Toronto Escorts

**Warning ** LADIES IN THE GTA MUST READ !! ***


New member
Nov 4, 2012
Hey there,

Just a warning to ALL ladies that tonight I made a mistake by leaving money on the side after being paid first,
There were two guys, one was about 5"8 beard, glasses, and I think he was middle eastern, his friend is white,
fat and wears glasses...

They both saw me separately, paid me upfront, however when I was in the other room talking to his friend (the
middle eastern looking one) The big guy took the money off the side..

They are from the Richmond hill area, but they drove to Mississauga to see me,

I just thought all of you should be aware, since this is my first post not to sure if I am allowed to post the phone number?

You can PM me for the phone number

starts with 416 520 ****

Also if I am allowed to post the full number I will edit this post for it to be easier for you
( I just read other posts saying to PM for details, my apologies if I am wrong)

Stay safe,


K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Here's a hint - don't see two guys at the same time and ask for the donation upfront and tuck it away while the client is in the shower.
Toronto Escorts