Starting a flame war on CL is definitely not the way to go about things. However, I would imagine that Sabrina was upset given that she thought she could get some additional business through PK and that did not pan out. I certainly wouldn't deal with an agency when I know I can contact the girl directly for a lower rate and knowing that it's all going into her pocket. So why would anyone go through PK to book her?
The response given back from PK was a bit off base as well. Who knows, maybe she did say she gets 12 clients a day without them, but that's really not possible given the way she does business. Literally everyone that has reviewed her has said that she goes way overboard in the non-clock watching department. Shit, I booked her for 90 mins and couldn't believe it when I walked out of there over 3 hours later. There's no way she can do 12 in a day, she'd be rushing people out the door.
And I also doubt those posts on CL about flagging PK's ads were from her. Sure she's probably got friends that could write that on her behalf, but if you've ever talked to her or read what she writes, you'd know there's no way she personally wrote that other stuff. Her english is not that strong. And who really cares about that shit? There's also that racist fuckstick posting 3 times a day about how all the Asian outfits are B&S, and he even started saying that about a visiting girl that is legit. If you tell somebody, "It must be true, I saw it on Craig's", they should have a legal right to strangle you for being so fucking gullible.
What Sabrina did was lacking tact and class, no doubt. But SA, don't go around saying something about girls you don't really know comparing them to another girl you've never met. She was probably referring to the agency anyways. I know one thing...if you judge strictly by appearance, of course those PK girls will seem 'classier' by a standard definition. Sabrina is a bit rough around the edges in that regard. But her service and policies are almost unparalleled around here. Extra time, discourages gratuities, and a money back guarantee? I think she's way over the top for working like that, but I've never met anyone else who goes so far out of her way to ensure a happy customer.
I'm not defending her or recommending her. And PK is what it is, no agency is perfect, it's all about the girls and they are variables that are impossible to predict. And no loser trying to start a campaign to flag PK's ads are going to work.