Ashley Madison

War on PK?


New member
Sep 23, 2008
Clearly someone who is more involved than just a client. I have used PK in the past it is very hit and miss (more miss than hit for sure) but you get what you pay for. Jason is a natural born BS'r but it goes with the territory. They always have someone available, they always answer the phone, they only post real photo's, so they are already better than 90% of the agencies in Ottawa. Someone should explain to Jason that BS is not just fake photo's, it is better to under promise and over deliver than to exaggerate. Some times the truth is enough, but some people have to always add that little extra BS.


Oct 11, 2008
Starting a flame war on CL is definitely not the way to go about things. However, I would imagine that Sabrina was upset given that she thought she could get some additional business through PK and that did not pan out. I certainly wouldn't deal with an agency when I know I can contact the girl directly for a lower rate and knowing that it's all going into her pocket. So why would anyone go through PK to book her?

The response given back from PK was a bit off base as well. Who knows, maybe she did say she gets 12 clients a day without them, but that's really not possible given the way she does business. Literally everyone that has reviewed her has said that she goes way overboard in the non-clock watching department. Shit, I booked her for 90 mins and couldn't believe it when I walked out of there over 3 hours later. There's no way she can do 12 in a day, she'd be rushing people out the door.

And I also doubt those posts on CL about flagging PK's ads were from her. Sure she's probably got friends that could write that on her behalf, but if you've ever talked to her or read what she writes, you'd know there's no way she personally wrote that other stuff. Her english is not that strong. And who really cares about that shit? There's also that racist fuckstick posting 3 times a day about how all the Asian outfits are B&S, and he even started saying that about a visiting girl that is legit. If you tell somebody, "It must be true, I saw it on Craig's", they should have a legal right to strangle you for being so fucking gullible.

What Sabrina did was lacking tact and class, no doubt. But SA, don't go around saying something about girls you don't really know comparing them to another girl you've never met. She was probably referring to the agency anyways. I know one thing...if you judge strictly by appearance, of course those PK girls will seem 'classier' by a standard definition. Sabrina is a bit rough around the edges in that regard. But her service and policies are almost unparalleled around here. Extra time, discourages gratuities, and a money back guarantee? I think she's way over the top for working like that, but I've never met anyone else who goes so far out of her way to ensure a happy customer.

I'm not defending her or recommending her. And PK is what it is, no agency is perfect, it's all about the girls and they are variables that are impossible to predict. And no loser trying to start a campaign to flag PK's ads are going to work.
Jul 28, 2006
Carefull SA, we really shouldn't be throwing names around without more concrete proof.

The ads on CL are likely posted by a well meaning client of Sabrina's but not Sabrina herself. The other possibility is the ongoing war between PK and other agencies.

I don't believe Sabrina is the source of the ads as the writing style is different. It's also my understanding that there was no falling out with PK, just that there was no need for PK to work as a booking agent for Sabrina because she's become established and has a pretty regular clientele. From where I sit the split with PK was amicable.

Agencies are, as dummpy says hit and miss, very much like a box of chocolates you never know what your gonna get, but at least you know your gonna get "chocolate" PK has done well and much like indies who get slagged for being poplular the same trashing occurs with PK.

I just thought I'd jump in here because I don't think it's fair to implicate Sabrina in this little war of words.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Good perspective

Thanks for the 2nd opinions guys. I've never been very good at being objective and I think I jumped to conclusions that Sabrina might have been involved in this stuff. I'll put my conclusions on hold until Sabrina steps in and either denies or confirms.

All I know is that somebody's got a sudden hate on for PK. While I agree that CL is not exactly a trustworthy source of information, it's kind of unusual to see that stuff posted. Hmmm - on further musing, what if this came from PK in the hopes that there would be a Sabrina backlash? Ahh, just being my usual paranoid self....sorry PK.
Sabrina is one of the most straight up SPs you'll ever be lucky enough to meet here. I should know... ;-)

I'm sick and tired of Pink Kitty's bullsh*t! They advertise girls as "no restrictions" and when you get there it's total bullshit. All they have now are a bunch of cracked out whores that are only interested in the $ and try to rush you out as soon as they possibly can. They don't know the meaning of GFE - nevermind the possibility of PSE. It's a bloody joke.

They continually harass independent girls and generally make their lives miserable. WE NEED GOOD INDEPENDENT SPs IN OTTAWA. Don't let them ruin this for us.

I'm asking everyone here for some help. I'm going to be flagging EVERY SINGLE ONE of Pink Kitty's posts here as "prohibited" in an attempt to run them out of business (just watch for the phone number in the ad - 613-262-8506 - if I have to I'll just change proxies enough time to flag the ads off by myself but it would be more fun as a group effort). They're already banned from CERB so this is one of there last places to advertise. Without CL they will die a quick death. Good riddance!

Who's with me? Please help so that awesome girls like Sabrina can keep this industry strong - it helps us all.
Jul 28, 2006
My question to the mystery poster on CL, If you've been burned or disappointed why keep going back ?

I love sushi( yes I'm a sushi lovin' cowboy... ya wanna make somethin' of it :) ) and am pretty much happy to visit any sushi restaurant in town, but there is one that I belive to be overrated and does not meet my standard, yet others seem to be okay with it. I choose to show my dissatisfaction by taking my custom elsewhere, to business that do cater to my tastes and demands, sometimes even at a higher cost but in the end you get what you pay for.

I've long been a supporter of independents in this town and continue to pretty much exclusively patronize independent providers, this is my way of "sticking it" to the agencies, not actually PK as I've never used their service. To the myster poster i ask...what will a public campaign of this nature really solve ? Will PK being out of business make your next encounter with an indy a better experience. In some ways you are only providing more exposure for PK and in the world of marketing there's no such thing as bad publicity.

There is plenty of room in this city for popular well established independents and agencies to work side by side. What Sabrina offers is in no way the same as the services that PK girls offer so there is no competition. Someone looking for a young spinner isn't likely to book with Sabrina, like wise someone looking for an intense and explicit experience isn't likely to go to pk looking for the same.

Sabrina and other independents will do fine without closing down PK, Pk will do fine with other independents as they come and go.
The mystery poster is certainly entitled to their opinion and strategy, I'm just wondering if it's worth the effort in the end... why can't we all just get along ?


Cat fight???? MEOW !!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure what to make of all this but I can speak to Sabrina's posts. She does have trouble putting her thoughts down in writing in english. I had PM'ed and posted lots to her before seeing her and we had a lot of misunderstandings due to language. Wouldn't surprise me if some of what she posted about PK was not exactly how she wanted to say things. She's a sweet girl but not afraid to say exactly what's on her mind. That CL post is definitely not from her, if someone wrote on her behalf that could be possible. Anyway, makes for interesting reading on a rainy Sunday afternoon. :rolleyes:


New member
Jun 13, 2007
Just to Update you all, I was speaking with Sabrina last night and she officially denies posting on that AD on CL. She claims that it isnt her grammer, she signs her ad with a large S and A with an XXX at the end and posts her website as well..

She claims she complained to CL and they removed the posting. I believe her ,as I wouldnt think she would do something that was that low class.

We are still in discussion about working together, but nothing has been finalized.. I do respect her, and her client skills and once this was sorted out I did remove my response on Cl.

The idea that some loser on Cl would be able to affect our Business is ludacris. We have been long established in Ottawa.. We are not going anywhere, anytime soon.. We could stop advertising today and our phones would continue to ring.. So to the people that dont like us, no problem.. There are lots of other choices out there. For those who love us (and there are many) we thank you for your business and will continue to make improvements to serve you even better..

Cheers!! Jessica
Ashley Madison
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