And neither you nor we know anything about what happened in the store, or between there and the apprehension of the accused thief.For all we—and you—know he was accosted and challenged verbally, with all proper respect and politeness but boasted of his theft and fled while challenging the security staff to catch him.Anyone's right to courteous and gentle treatment begins to shrink and disappear in direct proportion, and as soon as, they refuse to treat others with the same respect and courtesy. Any 'right' to enter, be in, or to leave a store without an interaction with staff is imaginary; it's private property, and ultimately you're a tresspasser facing the owner, if you bungle the interaction.Besides, anyone who thinks it's smart to run from guys hired and trained to catch him, and then to resist when they're bigger and more practiced at violence is a moron. Since we have no special schools to help such dimwits, it's best he spends as much time in jail as it takes to learn to be a competent petty thief who can support himself.