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Vitala at CMJ


Active member
Oct 5, 2008
Well I am happy to report that Jasmine has done it again. Where does she find such women? I went for a training duo with Vitala and Jasmine tonight. Vitala is absolutely stunning with a disarming smile and smouldering eyes.

Jasmine was guilty of understatement when she describes Vitala leaving you breathless, I think I am also devoid of pulse and have lost the ability to reason.

Vitala is sexy, intelligent, a good conversationalist, puts you right at ease and my goodness does she have skills. I cannot believe it was her first day. The fact that it was a duo with the incredible Jasmine made it an experience beyond belief. Words cannot do it justice. I still cannot wipe the smile off my face.

How the hell am I ever gonna make up my mind when booking anymore?


New member
Jul 25, 2007
The first time I met her, I think it was her first or second day, Jas asked if I minded if she watched my session with Leah. Hell NO.
I have yet to have a one-on-one with her, but got a sneak peak at her photo shoot this past week.
Check out the pic that's been posted on the CMJ website, I think I'm in love.
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