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Viruses...An Updated List


New member
Dec 24, 2002
I have been talking with a friend of mine who is employed with the government as one of their security specialists....His job includes among other things technologies security. He advised me to check out some of the new viruses while we were discussing protection for some of the new systems i am building. What i found shocked me enough to post this here hopefully i can convince Fred to make this a sticky so more people have the info to protect themselves.....(this is really scary, trust me!)

First some technical translations...(so u can read the info from the various sites yourself)

Wild: Any virus which can propogate itself via email etc. and which can infect your cpu via the internet and travel to other cpu's is considered to have been released into the *wild*.

Damage: What it can do to YOUR cpu.

Distribution: How a given virus spreads.

Virus: A trojan, worm, or any executable program which attacks a given cpu.

ok now for the list.....i hope this helps.....i am only going to list ones found within the last year.

from symantec makers of Norton.....

Backdoor.VB.CH December 11, 2002

Backdoor.LanFiltrator.10 [KAV] December 11, 2002

Trojan.Downloader.Cile December 12, 2002

W32.Yaha.J@mm December 16, 2002

W32.Tulu December 16, 2002

Backdoor.Hethat December 16, 2002

W32.HLLW.Lioten December 16, 2002

Backdoor.Remohak.16 December 16, 2002

W32.Titog.Worm December 17, 2002

W32.HLLC.Warray December 17, 2002

Backdoor.Vmz December 17, 2002

Backdoor.OptixPro.10.b December 17, 2002

Trojan.Poldo December 18, 2002

X97M.Laroux.WM December 18, 2002

W32.Xilon.Trojan December 18, 2002

VBS.Gaggle.B@mm December 18, 2002

Backdoor.Rephlex December 20, 2002

Backdoor.Hornet December 20, 2002

Backdoor.Lala December 20, 2002

W32.Duksten.C@mm December 20, 2002

W32.Opaserv.J.Worm December 20, 2002

Backdoor.Upfudoor December 23, 2002

Backdoor.Servsax December 23, 2002

JS.Seeker.J January 10, 2003

W32.ExploreZip.L.Worm January 10, 2003

W32.Sobig.A@mm January 9, 2003

W32.Lirva.C@mm January 8, 2003

W32.Lirva.A@mm January 7, 2003

W32.Yaha.M@mm January 6, 2003

W32.Yaha.K@mm December 24, 2002

These are some of the worst.....

W32.Bugbear@mm September 30, 2002

W32.Klez.H@mm April 17, 2002

W32.Nimda.A@mm September 18, 2001

you can go here to find out to check for these and other viruses as well to download tools wich will remove them.

Hint:go to this page to have symantec scan your cpu for viruses online.....

Hint 2: according to my research 99% of all viruses are designed to search out and attack cpu's using the "windows' operating system. ie:win200/me/xp/3.1.....kinda makes you wonder hunh??

can u say "microsoft sure PISSED someone off!!!!

Once again i hope this helps


Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
First please get your terminology right, no need to confuse people further.
A virus does not infect or attack your CPU it infects data stored on your hard drive. So when you say it can do damage or attacks please say that it infects your "computer" or "Hard drive".

Second, microsoft didn't piss anyone off (ok well maybe they did) but that is not why these viruses are created to target windows OS's. You say that 99% of the viruses are created to target Microsoft operating systems...... did it ever occur to you that the reason for this is because nearly 99% (ok maybe that is a little overstated) of consumers and businesses use Microsoft?

For the people who create the viruses the best way to prove their worthiness is to spread and infect as quickly as possible. They ain't gonna go far if you write the viruses to run on commodore 64's now are they.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W

A Virus can also wipe out your BIOS PROM

these are not the normal virus. But it can happen.

So before you think well I can just re-format or do a restore. Some of these little Bastards will prevent that.



New member
Dec 24, 2002
please get your terminology right....

Sasha by cpu i am not speaking about the processor of one's system....i am speaking in LAYMANS terms which means the computer....trying to simplify.......not confuse more....i hope it makes a little more sense to you.....
As for microsoft.....yes it did occur to me....then i did a little can look it up for yourself.....most of the viruses which are the most damaging are created by two specific groups of people......former microsoft employees......and program engineers or more specifically those individuals who work as design engineers for anti-virus companies........funny hunh?
look it up for yourself......go here...... will take a while but it is worth it if you are truly curious.
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