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Virus question


Oct 24, 2002
S ontario
Can I get a virus or some spyware/malware by surfing on my iphone?
I've heard nothing about this yet.

Mr Sinister

New member
Dec 11, 2008
the awnser is no
using a phone these days is the safest way to view the net and function there with out fear of viruses or trojans or maleware at this point no tellin what the future holds
stang said:
Can I get a virus or some spyware/malware by surfing on my iphone?
I've heard nothing about this yet.
In general, any OPEN device which allows browsing the Internet can and will be vulnerable to viruses. The good news is there is no virus for iPhone yet ... the bad news is the BAD guys are working on them! ;)


New member
Jul 27, 2003
Are there viruses for WM phones?
Edifice said:
Are there viruses for WM phones?
Yes, there are both viruses as well as spywares for these devices.

Please note that these viruses are NOT meant to destroy your phones (Not 100%), however, they are designed to access your computers / servers during sync time.

And, yes there are a few antivirus programs (free as well as commercials) for WM phones. Please GOOGLE for more info.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Disturbia said:
In general, any OPEN device which allows browsing the Internet can and will be vulnerable to viruses. The good news is there is no virus for iPhone yet ... the bad news is the BAD guys are working on them! ;)
It would seem that since it is an Apple product it will be unix/linux based like their computers and as such is most likely just as immune to virus/spyware/malware attack.
WoodPeckr said:
It would seem that since it is an Apple product it will be unix/linux based like their computers and as such is most likely just as immune to virus/spyware/malware attack.
Yes, you are right and honestly that was one reason I switched from Windows many years ago. I save some big $$ not buying any more antivirus programs for my 4 iMac systems at home :D

However, they say one reason for all these attacks on Windows based systems is due to its popularity! I kind of agree ... one can GOOGLE for tons of sample codes on how to write a new virus / malware for Windows!

Thus, as the popularity of this so cool iPhone increases ... same as the number of interested and talented virus/spyware/malware folks!

#1 --> Hey man, I just finished the 1st spyware ever for iPhone!
#2 --> Wow dude ... way to go ... can you share the code?!

LOL ... anyway, nothing is 100% bullet proof.

P.S. It didn't take those guys to "unlock" the iPhone with a few lines of codes so people can use them with Rogers in Canada! So, how long would it take them to write spywares and etc?!
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