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Vietnamese man arrested for stabbing female sea lion in the heart


Jan 4, 2005
This man stabbed a sea lion for no good reason. I am sorry, but we Asians really need to get our shit together when it comes to animal rights.... The animal was stabbed after it stole the man's bait.

I know many some Vietnamese people, and they have no problems with killing animals. Same with Chinese. In Japan, there are places that cut up live fish and serve them while they are still squirming in pain, just so that they can be eaten "fresh".

NEWPORT BEACH, California (AP) -- A fisherman accused of stabbing a sea lion with a steak knife after the animal stole his bait has been arrested.

The sea lion, a six-foot female weighing about 150 pounds, was stabbed in the heart and was euthanized, said Dean Gomersall, animal care supervisor at the Pacific Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach.

"It's a horrible thing," Gomersall said. "My crew is extremely upset, and we're just glad the person was caught."

Hai Nguyen, 24, was fishing off a Newport pier about 12:30 p.m. Friday when the sea lion snatched the bait from his fishing pole.

"It was close enough so he could just reach out and stab it in the water," said Sgt. Evan Sailor, a police spokesman. "A number of people witnessed it and called police."

Nguyen was arrested without incident at the pier and held at Newport Beach Jail on $20,000 bail. He was expected to be arraigned next week on a charge of felony cruelty to animals, authorities said.

The case also was being investigated by the U.S. attorney's office for possible federal charges under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

Nguyen could face a $25,000 fine and up to a year in prison if convicted on the animal cruelty charge. A conviction on federal charges of violating the Marine Mammal Protection Act could add $12,000 in civil penalties, criminal fines of up to $20,000 and additional jail time, authorities said. E-mail to a friend


Jan 4, 2005
goodtime said:
When does the action of 1 individual representative of an entire race?

Never. But it's not only one individual. I can't count how many disturbing videos I've come across on animals being abused, and more often then not, it's asians who are doing the abusing. Just to name a couple:

1. Dolphins being dragged by a truck and stabbed in Japan.

2. Kitten being stomped on by Chinese woman.

3. Dogs being skinned alive in China

China does not even have laws against animal cruelty, and many people are simply unaware of the issue. We need more education and regulation in these countries. Other western countries have animal abuse as well, but it seems that most people are at least aware of the issue, and people are becoming more sensitive about it.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
Could it be that animal abuse as immoral is strictly a Western concept?

It could be that this man simply didn't see anything wrong with what he did, based on his background.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
ig-88 said:
Could it be that animal abuse as immoral is strictly a Western concept?

It could be that this man simply didn't see anything wrong with what he did, based on his background.

If thats true then he should stay where it is acceptable. I hate it when people come to the West to take advantage of all the benefits of our civilization and then expect us to accept their barbaric customs whenever its convenient for them.

Bullshit, fry the bastard.



Active member
Killing the sea lion because it took his bait is punishable, I believe.

If he was killing it for food, I wouldn't have an issue with it. I don't have a problem with killing any animal (unless they're on an endangered species list) if you plan on eating it.


New member
Sep 22, 2004
North America
There seems to be contradictions right within a given culture. While some Japanese are brutal toward the dolphin, there was news awhile back of the japanese tolerating marauding monkeys. I asked a japanese person about this and he said it was because of their similarity to humans.

I also knew a very brilliant chinese immigrant scientist and we got talking about the fact that the brilliantly colored golden pheasant apparently survives quite well in China. He didn't think this would be the case if these birds were found in North America since in his experience our treatment of animals was inferior to that of the chinese.

So I don't know what to think. Could it be that we just hear about the sensationally poor treatment of animals in Asia whereas the less sensational good treatment goes unreported? I don't know.

I do feel that world wide we could be treating the animals a lot better than we do.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Sheik said:
Hey, according to some folks, we're the barbaric ones the way we treat animals that we slaughter for food.

You need to visit a kill house where they kill the pigs and cows that we use for food consumption before you start accusing others of being barbaric. The only reason we call them barbaric is because they are slaughtering animals that we look at as "pets"
Well, I have known quite well a few people who have worked for meat packing plants/slaughterhouses and we have strict laws on how animals are killed for food.

At one point it was a shotgun shell to the forehead, I think some still use "the hammer" which is an extremely fast steel mallet that hits them between the eyes and I think now there is an electrical version of the hammer. ALL kill the animals instantly and without pain.

BTW: I also disagree that it is strictly asians who treat animals poorly. Just watch the animal cops shows on TV and you will see what I mean. Anyone remember the kid that was charged with animal cruelty in Toronto a while back who skinned a cat alive while videotaping it?

Anyhow, the moral of the story is: a people or society is judged by how they treat their animals......

As for how asians respect animals. I saw a report that during a visit to North Korea the reporter commented on how there didn't seem to be any wild birds around. No poop on statues etc. Their guide said it was because they were all eaten by the population.....(indicative the food situation).

Another good indicator is: shark fins, bear gallbladders, dancing bears in eastern europe etc etc etc. The list goes on and it isn't limited to asia.
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