Vibes in the Airport

So last week I went on a little vacation. I flew out of downtown with Porter airlines (great service by the way). Anyway in my rush to get ready and packed after the Orgy I didn't realize I still had a couple vibes in my purse. No problem, I am not one to easily embarrass so security did their thing and went through my bags and low and behold they pulled out my vibes. Made me turn them on but of course one of them the batteries were dead. So I fumble a little, I am more worried that I am now holding up the line. As I am doing this the guy behind me says "well! I hope you're my flying buddy" and sick twisted me thinks woo hoo, mile high club here I cum!

So all checks out and I am on my well.

Sorry to say my flying buddy was on a different plane, so no mile high club.

Now this is where my story gets interesting. As I am getting ready to fly home I am packing up my vibes and cleaning out my purse and guess what I find in my purse that security failed to exacto knife. Holy shit I forgot it was in my purse, I had bought it a few weeks ago and because you don't get bags anymore I just popped it in my purse. So they were so worried about my vibes they missed a potential weapon.

Makes you wonder!

Welcome to my crazy life...;)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field you just told all the hijackers on how to foil the

Honestly, if I were you I'd be reporting this.......because that is a BIG failure on the part of airport staff. I'd say more than 1 too: the one who x-rayed your bag, and the guy who hand searched it.......


Apr 13, 2004
That's a funny story, until the part of the xacto knife. I agree with tboy this needs to be reported.


Jan 3, 2009
Report it? Why? What good would it do? Things slip through security all the time.

Nine out of ten times (19 out of 20? 49 out pf 50?) security will catch that exacto knife. That's the deterrent factor, which is probably enough. The system isn't designed for 100% accuracy. At the end of the day it's not the security screener that will stop someone from hijacking a plane with a knife.


Well-known member
Something very similair happened to me first week of January flying here in Canada.I forgot 2 bottles of BOOST in my carry on.....they dumped that but when I got home I realized they forgot something that at the very least would have gotten me delayed with a few questions.Ironically they gave me a pretty thorough pat down and probably thought I was extra safe due to the situation.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
Who cares about your vibes:

You signature picture from left to right:

DEME, GEN, MOLLY, BRYNN and I wasn't even there. HOW many did I get right!

HG Hunter

Active member
Jun 27, 2005
I think Caseyx got it right. It's all a numbers game.
I wouldn't report it for fear that I'd be put on a dangerous persons list because I carried an x-acto on once.


New member
Jan 15, 2004
I have a pack of matches in my cary on bag and traveled for years and security never caught this.
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