This past week I finally took the plunge in the exotic and wild world of London SP's by visiting Ms Veronica Falconer. First off she needs new pictures on her site for no matter how fantastic she looks on line, she will blow you out of the water when you meet her in person - a fireball of energy with beautiful flowing jet black hair, wicked eyes and an infectious laugh. All bundled into a 5'1" body that screams sensuality and endless pleasure. She is also so relaxing and easy to talk to that you forget that best part is still to come when you both are in bed together. Then watch out and hope that the walls in your hotel are soundproof - she will let you know when you found one of her many pleasure spots. I have never been so exhausted and so well rewarded in my life. It does pay to do your research and I apologize to all those whom I doubted. As for you Ms Veronica Falconer, thank you for making an old man's life exciting again.