Velvet Lounge on a Tues night


New member
Nov 24, 2005
Hit the Velvet lounge with a buddy on tues. first time for us. They certainly spent some money there and in my estimation the design lends itself toa quick conversion to a dance (non naked) club in the event the stripping does'nt pay the bills. Girls were better than I expected on a Tues . I do not like the entry fee associated with getting into a private dance area. This seems like a local practice that does not wash anywhere else. I did get a lap dance from a little spinner and it was quite restrictive. We spent most of our time and money on trying to arrange take out and there is good chance that this is the most promising possibility for this club. LE was there in and under cover sort of way. Good night out for them on us since not much is going to happen in the club. When we went to leave and pay the tab (which was considerable) They send the card to some manager upstairs to sign off on it. We waited almost 20 min. for the card to return and this was only after we got quite vocal about it. Finally my buddy pulled out the cell and infomed them that they had one min. to produce the card or we were reporting it stolen. It then magically appeared. Very pissed about that and will be watching the statement closely. I might never return just due to that. The place was not that good. We spend our money freely when we go out ,DO NOT FUCK WITH OUR CARDS


on former TERB in 90's
Aug 18, 2001
call the card issuer and review your charges
my cards don't leave my sight let alone gone for 20mins and i had a card comprimnised as it was read twice in front of me
I now record the employee name on my copy of EVERY purchase and this is done in front of the clerk

awareness = prevention


New member
Dec 28, 2005
In the midst of moving...
Re: Your Velvet Lounge Rip

"They send the card to some manager upstairs to sign off on it..."
Being a former dancer, this is a great idea, along with the toll you pay to get in for a PLD --especially if you are young or suspicious-looking... These are all safety precautions that gents like you fail to approve of. They exist, in a minor fashion, in all SCs, but the VL being a newer establishment, they do in a hard-core way, to assure continued, hard-core wicked service!
The card-checks won't always take forever btw... they are working through some newbie gliches (Have you seen upstairs?)... Through and through, they will be a big hit very soon. Hey, at least the dancers are pros... There have been a lot of sticky situations where stupid girls, faulty cards, and bastard clients have devalued an entire establishment. I think they are trying to avoid that and personally, I can't wait to chill on the patio this summer with my favourite dates! ;)


Senior Member
Sorry Miss Priss,but I don't get your whole explanation. Why does it take 20 min. to verify a card. Swipe it and either it comes back good or it doesn't. I have never seen that take 20 min.
Anyway boys pay cash.
I would never take my credit card near any SC's period. Never mind let it walk away for 20 minutes

Maybe I missed the point Miss Priss was trying to explan. Someone fill in then.

Also who do these managers think they are ? Visa executives ! They have no other way than to either call in or swipe it. That's all pretty quick.
Strip club there's a joke. I spend very little money in any of those dumps.

I like to drink real slow and watch lots. This pisses em off to no extent. I see it as the best way to spend money there. Anyway can't really have more than two beers and drive anyway.

I have seen several of these gooks get a swelled head from running their little dog and pony shows ( Not referring to all of the ladies here ).

They barely do even this business well at that

SC nowadays are a wate of time and horniness.


Aug 22, 2001
The issue that was brought up is they were paying the existing (rare) tab with a card. not getting a tab or getting dances as Miss Priss tried to bring up. Your card is never to leave your sight.

20 minutes out of site I would have reported it stolen in 10 in that case.

If it was big enough a tab that they needed a verification I'd be wondering why they let it get that big. last time I was in a club it was pay as your recieved.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I was there on Saturday night, we got a tour from "Wild Rose" the manager. It seems to be a good idea, she will introduce you to dancers and arrange dances for you. The building is great, I liked the upstairs stage with the glass floor that you sit underneath downstairs, and the giant waterwall. The patio should be good also, though she said they were only going to open it at night.

The dancers were mixed, there were a couple of veterans from WAGG, including the still stunning beautiful "Kelly", formerly feature attraction Tabitha Knight.


New member
Nov 24, 2005
Miss Priss
I'm not all that young and the colour of the card was an indicator that the limit was higher than the annual income of the majority of the patrons in the place that night. Swipe and process that is all it takes. The bar tender took off to the other end of the bar and we thought that she had just forgotten to return it . We had no idea thar it had left the area. With the prices that they are charging in the place they should know how to treat big spenders and and be set up to accomadate all instruments used to pay. The casinos do it all the time. Dont give me the fraud bullshit. If that had been the case we would have just asked for a big cash advance and fucked off.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
My guess is they didn't invest a few extra dollars on a credit card authorization machine. Therefore they had to call in your credit card over the phone for approval since you probably spent over a certain amount. I could just see them running around looking for their merchant number... which they also need to get approval. I think it's probably more of a case of disorganization... rather than a "conspiracy" of theft.

Saying all that... I would never use a credit card or debit card at a SC. Sorry you had these problems...but the place doesn't impress me much anyways.


Senior Member
Well if they don't have a machine....which I doubt......maybe they should get one...............DUH........I mean someone else may want to use a credit card someday.

Now a days with the credit card fraud that goes on you should never let your card out of your site.....period.
If someone were to walk to far or be leaving the general area with my card I would call after them and say " hey where are you going with that ". If they said they need to verify it elsewhere I would say " not with out me along then "

I liked the suggestion that someone said about copy their name on the receipt.

Anyways Strip Clubs are no better than fluffers INMHO.

Go see one of the lovely ladies locally that will actually give you something in return for your donation

Those places piss me off


New member
Nov 24, 2005
by the by

I'm not impressed with strip joints any more and only go very ocassionly. Almost forgot the hightlight of the evening. After dropping off my buddy I was driving through the old Galt area of Cambridge and much to my surprise there were two girls working the street. Couldn't help myself and indulged. Cute friendly thing and $40 for a BBBJCIM. AHHHHH


New member
Mar 31, 2005
Well that just blew any creditably you had out the window. Sorry. IMO
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