VE day Love-in in Holland


New member
Jul 7, 2002
As reported in todays Globe, thousands of Dutch people turned out to honor Canadian veterans, in what will probably be the last celebration of VE day
by our vets, most of whom are now 80 years old.

This did not detract from the fervent expression of gratitude by Dutch citizens to their Canadian liberators. Conrary to the characterization of Canada's military by some members on this board, these guys took on the most difficult assignment in the invasion of Europe on their own.

British general Montgomery left the Canadian attackers with no air support or backup. Everything was diverted to his "Operation Market Garden" a parachute attack by US and British forces behind the German lines, which turned into a disaster.

Our guys slogged it out through the mud, with no natural cover from trees or hills. Constantly exposed to machine-gun and tank fire from entrenched elite forces of the SS, they prevailed despite heavy casualties. The nazis feared our troops, which is why they committed so many atrocities agains our POWs.

Comparing this to modern-day coalition attacks on third-world countries is a bad joke.

CBC TV did a multi-part documentary on this campaign, which should be required viewing in our schools.

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
Payback is hell!!

wollensak said:
The Nazis feared our troops, which is why they committed so many atrocities against our POWs.
A good friend of mine was a US Army crewman who was shot down and served in the Dutch underground until the Canadians liberated him.
I can assure you that the Canadians exacted their understandable revenge for these atrocities; and you won't read about it in any of the history books.
Thanks for the post wollensak.

PS- I don't think Patton was too thrilled with Montgomery's "Operation Market Garden" either. :)


New member
Mar 21, 2005
wollensak said:
The nazis feared our troops, which is why they committed so many atrocities agains our POWs.
Indeed. I recall an SS machine-gunner describing on TV somewhere the experience of firing on Canadian troops marching across an open field trying to take the hill where the SS was. He recalled how he couldn't believe his eyes when the Canadians just kept on coming even as they were being mowed down in rows, describing it as some sort of heroic medieval romance of chivalry come to life.

But perhaps that was a Canada that doesn't exist anymore, a Canada that was a world-class player that others depended on for protection and not the other way around, a Canada feared by the bad guys as a nation of tough fighters instead of being brushed off as a land of drug addicts, homosexuals, and crooked politicans.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Truncador said:
Indeed. I recall an SS machine-gunner describing on TV somewhere the experience of firing on Canadian troops marching across an open field trying to take the hill where the SS was. He recalled how he couldn't believe his eyes when the Canadians just kept on coming even as they were being mowed down in rows, describing it as some sort of heroic medieval romance of chivalry come to life.

But perhaps that was a Canada that doesn't exist anymore, a Canada that was a world-class player that others depended on for protection and not the other way around, a Canada feared by the bad guys as a nation of tough fighters instead of being brushed off as a land of drug addicts, homosexuals, and crooked politicans.
Your insistence on hyperbole remains unabated, but I'll let the last line go without comment. As far as chivalry in battle, the days of soldiers advancing in line towards certain death seem unimaginable to us today, though the US Civil War and WWI offered even more stark examples of unquestioned devotion to duty. The bravery of such soldiers is beyond doubt, but I feel we are better off without the notion of the romance of battle.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
Asterix said:
The bravery of such soldiers is beyond doubt, but I feel we are better off without the notion of the romance of battle.
Probably. Try to understand, though, that it's been an uphill battle getting recognition for their efforts. Hollywood movies about the heroic exploits of American troops abound, while here in Canada schoolchildren don't even learn about the sacrifices of our own boys- sacrifices that are commemorated in foreign lands.

All hyperbole aside, the efforts of those men stand as the finest manifestation of a distinctly Canadian national characteristic. Canadians will themselves take all sorts of guff from politicans and the like without complaint. But when they see others being mistreated or oppressed- watch out...


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Truncador said:
Probably. Try to understand, though, that it's been an uphill battle getting recognition for their efforts. Hollywood movies about the heroic exploits of American troops abound, while here in Canada schoolchildren don't even learn about the sacrifices of our own boys- sacrifices that are commemorated in foreign lands.

All hyperbole aside, the efforts of those men stand as the finest manifestation of a distinctly Canadian national characteristic. Canadians will themselves take all sorts of guff from politicans and the like without complaint. But when they see others being mistreated or oppressed- watch out...
On D-Day, the Canadian 3rd Division was given the task of launching the attack at the center of the line in the British forces, at Juno Beach. Arguably some of the toughest fighting seen that day other than Omaha Beach. As John Keegan has written, by the end of the day, the Canadian forces were further inland than any other division, British or American. Some of us Yanks down here still appreciate the history. Hollywood ain't all it's cracked up to be.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Any soldier that has served his country deserves our respect. Regardless where he is from.
Politicians start wars..not soldiers.

The war museum was opened last weekend in Ottawa. Some of the veterans decided to stay away, because of a display portraying war crimes by a few.
I haven't seen the display, but it seemed offensive enough to some.
Should we tarnish the sacrifice of all soldiers, because of the crimes of a few? I don't think so.

In another story related to this. There was quiet a few Germans, that fought on the side of the allies as part of a regular unit.Having gone to school in Germany I never heard about this before. It was quiet a fascinating story.


New member
Jul 7, 2002
Harper's Arrogance

Is it just me, or did anyone else find it offensive in the extreme when Harper used the VE day gathering in Holland to yap about events in our Parliament?

This showed a total lack of class on his part. :mad:
Toronto Escorts