DoingWhatIDoBest said:
that time of year again. Why bother going to the massage parlours during the holiday's, you know they are going to do raids. My rule is STAY AWAY AND YOU WONT BE PUT AWAY!
Actually, I think they're done with their inspection for this year already. (I could be wrong though...)
Me and a few of my whacker friends ran into them about 3 weeks ago. They were at our Potato-Head Spa, and the Yammy-Yammy Spa across the street. I'm sure they were everywhere else too. It wasn't the nice blondie cop with his Vin Diesel friend this time though.... THEY MULTIPLIED!!!! This time, there were 5 of them... (or was it 6?), instead of the 2 we usually see. They were very polite though... They just asked to see our licenses... asked about our status' in Canada... if we had any charges... and that was pretty much it. We had a client there... they asked him a few questions... then they all left. They were there maybe about 10 minutes or so...
I honestly don't think they're going to be too strict about MPs this year. I think they're finally starting to realize that they can't really get rid of this business anyways.... it'll only drive us underground. Then, we'll be even harder to monitor. At least this way... they know where we are... who we are... and where to find us if they need to find us. If we're all driven underground... there's going to be no way to keep track of us. Most of my friends from the EBC spas, (who've moved on to do incalls), change their location every 5 to 6 months.... the only thing they keep are their client's number, (if their client gives it to them). They even change their cell numbers.
So I don't think they're really going to bother MPs much this holiday season...
(But just in case I'm wrong..... don't go Leah-hunting...