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Use for those new Photo-Phones


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Check out what you can do with those new fangled photo-phones at:

This seems to be a new site. A buddy sent it to me. Got into it a couple times, it may take a little while to load.

If this starts a new trend maybe all these type cell phones may be banned at SCs. The Possibilities are endless on what you can do with them.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I think it is going to be very challenging for the SC management. More and more phones will have them, and lots of guys will be offended at being asked to leave their phones. Not too many bouncers will be able to figure out which phones can take pictures. I think that ultimately they will have to allow the phones and if the girls don't like it they can not work. This is not a great thing for dancers, but I don't see another choice.

And girls will be taking them into locker rooms and posting on voyeur sites, there will be lots of problems. It is nothing you can't already do with a tiny camera, but the phones will make them much more pervasive and harder to deal with.


Whats to stop anybody from walking in with a small digital camera?

I don't think people are stupid enough to take the chance of snapping a picture of a naked girl and have their heads kicked in by the bouncers.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
SCs are very 'camera aware'

A least 50% of the time or more whenever I go into a SC carrying my DiscMan bag I get asked if I have a camera in there.

Funny thing is though they have never actually looked. This one time as I was going in The Rail doorman asks "What's in the bag?" I show him my DiscMan which is attached to an outside flap. "Just CDs" I say. "Do you have a camera in there?" he asks. "No I don't" I say. Actually authenticaly forgetting that I did. lol. I go sit down and open my bag to grab ciggs. I see my camera and laugh. lmao.

Really though I don't think they have the time, energy or motivation to start checking everyone's cell phones to see if it's also a camera phone. Added to that the fact that they will loose business if they start doing that. Lots of guys will stop going. Also the thought crossed my mind... it's still awhile yet before these phones become THAT popular.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Isn't it very easy to spot one of those cell-phone camera thingees? Don't they have a lens on the exterior?

Just wondering...bouncers aren't that trogolodyte-ish, or are they?


New member
Oct 29, 2002
C Dick said:
Not too many bouncers will be able to figure out which phones can take pictures.
C Dick:

You're absolutely right...bouncers are all just a bunch of illiterate, technologically challenged neanderthals who are only versed in the art of "kicking heads in".

I know alot of guys who either are bouncers now or were at one time while they were putting themselves through school - because the money is good, they like working nights and they work in a totally social atmosphere.

You're right, choosing a job that they *like* to do (not *have* to do), working the hours they *want* to work (not *have* to work) and having fun while they do it....what a bunch of idiots!

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I did not mean to suggest that bouncers were stupid, I am sure I will not be able to tell which phones have cameras either. That is the point, only technogeeks who care about that stuff will know that the 850P takes pictures and the 850 does not. The phones already have the LCD display and multifunction keyboard, the actual lens will be in a dark bezel, it will be impossible to tell. I really can't see the bouncer digging the phone out of each person's pocket, pulling it out of its case, finding the model number with his flashlight, and looking it up on the internet to see if that model takes pictures. And they would not get away with making you leave your phone at the front in a basket.

Once you are in the SC, you take out the phone, hold it up to take your picture, then put it up to your ear and say hello, hello, then hang it up again. My digitial camera has an option to not show the photos on the screen to save battery, so will the phone.
I don't think there is anything any bouncer could do about this unless he is really, really into photo phones. Even that assumes they stay rare. If it gets to the point were most phones take pictures, they will just have to allow it.


Mr. Big
Aug 18, 2001
.....many of the new camera phones have the lense that will attach to the bottom of the camera when you want to take a picture.......looks like a small flash cube.
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