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US newswoman fired for entering wet T contest

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Here's a link to a story about one Catherine Bosely who was on vacation apparently and entered an amateur wet T shirt contest while there. Well, she won apparently. I guess it was some sort of vacation resort thing. At the time, Catherine was a news anchor on some local channel in Youngstown Ohio (wherever in hell that is).

Well, I guess in the age of the internet, it can be a very small world and word / pictures got back to her employer who promptly fired her. Apparently, she had signed a "morality clause" in her contract.

Now, my personal opinion is that she should not have been fired regardless of any stupid morality clause. What she was doing was her own business, on her own time, while on vacation.

I also find it strange that someone has to sign a morality clause.

I would like to think that a "morality clause" is an uptight american thing, that Canadian companies wouldn't force their employees to sign such a thing. (I don't know of anyone I know ever mentioning having to sign a morality clause)

I bet that if she had posed on the cover of some gun magazine with an AK-47 she would be perfecty OK, but showing her human body is punishable by being fired.

I read this story on an American bulletin board and was amazed at how many Americans thought that she should have been fired. The vast majority of posters thought that she either deserved it, or at the least, because she signed this morality clause, too bad, she deserved to be fired. Even if it was on her own time, while on vacation.

Here's the link to the pics by the way.

And if you really want to shake your head, read what the new director at her TV station had to say about the entire issue....

Personally, I think she should apply to City TV. No problem from my point of view.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
jwmorrice said:
With a boob job that bad, she deserved to be fired. :p

Actually, that's what one of the Americans said about it too, but hey, no-one's perfect.

Women come in all shapes and sizes and while i agree that she should seek out the assistance of a more skilled mechanic (see the other terb thread on boob jobs)

Actually, I think she's got a nice body, other than the botched bolt ons. (Which could be fixed.) She's not a 25 year old chick, but she's not bad.

Besides, it's not about what she looks like, it's about being fired for something that to me at least doesn't warrant being fired.


New member
Sep 29, 2001
Also discussed at:


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
It never ceases to amaze me how uptight people can be about nudity. I think she made a dumb move, but lets face it... everyone has pretty much the same parts. I think in her profession though, it does blow credibility... and middle america loves to wave its uptight moral finger. As a business decision, I think they had little choice...

The bigger deal is the whole "sex/nudity is bad, violence is ok" mantra that permeates society... it is far more permissable to watch violence/death/destruction than, say, a nice pair of breasts.


Jan 21, 2002
Hell, I would start watching her news channel to see her after that. I don't believe such a stunt could ruin news credibility or the integrity of the station. I guess she was being subjected to a bunch of uptight midwestern moral standards. (otherwise the morality clause could have been challenged)

I agree the bolt ons could be improved, but I wonder what they look like in a "newspersons" business suit.


Wickd Hotties Connoisseur
Oct 27, 2001
Think before you act.

If you carefully read the story written by the News Director of WKBN, Catherine was not fired from her position. She resigned.
First smart thing she did in the entire debacle if you ask me.

It's not like she was a behind-the-scenes worker at the station. She was an anchor whose image was beamed into many homes every night. Obviously she must have known the risks towards both her job and the credibility of the station she worked for prior to entering this contest. Hell, she not only took off her top, but got completely naked. I'm sure she realized the folly of her ways once the tequila wore off and the first pictures found their way on the internet. I'm sure she regrets the whole incident but unfortunately, you can never go back.

Who knows. Perhaps there is a bright future for her in the adult entertainment industry as a stripper or something else where she may make even more money than her last job.

And i agree. Those fakes are really bad. What was she thinking?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Here's an interesting comparison of a Canadian case....

You may remember Sook Yin Lee from her much music days as a VJ there.

From the article...........................................................

Radio host Sook-Yin Lee was given the thumbs-up yesterday from her bosses at the CBC to strip and star in what is destined to be a steamy, controversial film by U.S. director John Cameron Mitchell.

After several weeks of fence-sitting, the public broadcaster finally gave Ms. Lee the nod to appear in Short Bus, an independent movie that Mr. Mitchell promised yesterday from New York will raise the bar for explicit sex in film

God bless the CBC.


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
I agree with Goldenboy and Exciter. This was the dumbest of moves on her part. She was either very drunk or very horny and did everything the boys in the audience asked of her. Didn't she see the "at least 12 digital cameras clicking away". When I first read the thread, I thought firing was a bit extreme for entering a Wet T-shirt contest. I've seen my share. The women usually wear T-shirts and get wet. Most (with the exception of the exotic dancers) don't take everything off. I can imagine what must have been going through her mind the next morning. She probably shared the fact that she was a News Anchor to other people taking the same vacation.

America and to a lesser degree, Canada seems to accept violence easier than nudity, but as a news anchor she should have known that.


New member
Jan 15, 2004
It's Youngstown Ohio. Middle America actually most of America is so uptight about sex it is just plain sad. Thank the Puritans for this one.

I always joke about this with my friends using the Lara Croft analogy.

In the US it is okay to portray Lara as a gun toting vixen who runs around killing and breaking things. Show Lara running around naked shouting free love and well you have a big problem.


Gentleman Horndog
Apr 8, 2002
indy123 said:
It's Youngstown Ohio. Middle America actually most of America is so uptight about sex it is just plain sad.
Ironically, the Youngstown/Warren/Niles area of Ohio contains at least 10 AMP's that all provide FS almost 24/7. That's probably over half of all such places in the entire state. They advertise on huge billboards just outside of the towns, and provide directions.

BTW, she should have been fired, whether or not her contract contained a morality clause. She was in a public situation with the station and her position was one in which she expected to be taken seriously. Wet T-shirt contests do not enhance anyone's credibility. I love tits as much as the next guy, but amateurs making fools of themselves don't appeal to me at all.

I'm not defending the morality clause itself. I think it was an outrageous intrusion and possibly open to wide interpretation, but she did sign it. Her behaviour occurred in public and was obviously intended to be so. That she regrets it later is irrelevant. Tough tittie!!

If it had come to light that she was a discreet SP on the side, my answer would probably be different, because her behaviour would then have been private. It would have been obvious that she had taken measures to ensure that the station would not be adversely affected. Mind you, they'd probably fire her then, too.
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