Unbelievable quote from NOW magazine.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
This is a quote from a story by Mike Smith called "Fantino's Freak Show" in the Feb 5 - 15, 2004 issue:

"But if it's latent aggression you seek, look no further than this Freudian slip. In addressing the grave threat of prostitution, Smollet outlines his troops' strategy. "Sometimes we will send out undercover officers, female officers, to charge and arrest the johns, and at other times we will send out officers, male officers, to attack the female prostitutes themselves." Yes, he said "attack." No one bats an eyelash"

Absolutely chilling.

Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Fantino's whole "CITY UNDER SEIGE!!!" shtick is getting very, very old. He seems constantly disappointed that he isn't police cheif of LA - that way he'd actually get to fight some real live gangs!

Why can't we have an elected police cheif - that way we could've gotten rid of this clown when we threw out the Tories?


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
gryfin said:
This is a quote from a story by Mike Smith called "Fantino's Freak Show" in the Feb 5 - 15, 2004 issue:

"But if it's latent aggression you seek, look no further than this Freudian slip. In addressing the grave threat of prostitution, Smollet outlines his troops' strategy. "Sometimes we will send out undercover officers, female officers, to charge and arrest the johns, and at other times we will send out officers, male officers, to attack the female prostitutes themselves." Yes, he said "attack." No one bats an eyelash"

Absolutely chilling.
Oh come now! Are we to start judging the police on the basis of suppressed/repressed feelings of hostility towards this or that group?? If so, I can assure you that none will pass muster. Surely all that one can ask is that the laws be fairly and sensibly enforced.

Those who accomplish things in this world, as opposed to some Utopia, do so despite their conflicts. Police, and people in general, ought to be judged on their actions.

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