Ukrainians on Russian language in Ukraine


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
This YouTube clip demonstrates the fundamental difference in the Ukrainian people from Russians.

I think almost everyone interviewed in this segment shares the opinion that people should be free to choose to speak and communicate in whatever language they want to. Some Ukrainians did send their children to Ukrainian language schools to ensure the native language of their nation and culture was preserved. But the Russian language was still spoken at home and outside, at work, and for Gov't services.

Again, prior to the Russian invasion to "protect Russian speakers" most of the people living in Ukraine used to speak, read and write pretty much always in the Russian language. It was the de facto day to day language of Ukraine. Until the start of the war. Then, as a demonstration of their culture and and being a distinct Ukrainian people, many... maybe most... started speaking Ukrainian in public, at work, in gov't offices etc.

Yet, none of the people interviewed said they hold any resentment towards those who speak Russian in Ukraine. They all say that they are in fact, fighting to allow the freedom of choice of expression of what you can say, and in whatever language you choose to speak.

Having said that, most now want to increase the use of the Ukrainian language as the first language of Ukraine. They would like to see more entertainment, music, books in the Ukrainian language. Yet not wanting to outlaw or otherwise prevent nor discriminate against the use of the Russian, or any language.

Again proves that Putler's excuse of 'liberating' Russian-speaking people from discrimination from the Ukrainian "Nazis" (National Socialists) was unfounded. And remains untrue despite his attempt to wipe the 'Kohols' and all that is Ukrainian from the surface of Ukraine.

Ironic that Russia's latest imperialist terror to attempt to Russify another country is pushing more people away from Russia and speaking Russian.

Some Simpletons or Vatniks are going to dismiss this as Ukrainian sponsored propaganda. But anyone with any sense of reading people will easily recognize the authenticity of the words and feelings of those interviewed.

So much for that excuse made by Putler, Nottyboi, addict2sex and the other vatniks ...



His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Russians and Ukrainians should both speak nothing but Klingon. It was good enough for Shakespeare, it should be good enough for them.
  • Haha
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