UK prostitution laws to face overhaul


Apr 3, 2002
Never the safest place
I don't get this idea of creating a "zone of tolerance" or red light district. Does anyone think it can be confined to a specific small area, and who would want it to be their neighbourhood? New Zealand and much of Australia already have a more practical idea in place IMO, - decriminalization. Just change the laws to let the existing MPs become legal brothels.

Why is it that other Commonwealth countries have already changed or are considering changing their similarly outdated prostitution laws, while the suggestion of doing so in Canada gets ignored or laughed at? Is it the puritanical U.S. influence, or are Canadians just naive or poorly informed on the subject?


May 22, 2002
Around the World
HaywoodJabloemy said:
I don't get this idea of creating a "zone of tolerance" or red light district. Does anyone think it can be confined to a specific small area, and who would want it to be their neighbourhood?
I spent some time in Munich, Germany and learned of their red light districts. In certain areas of the city street walking is legal, however in most it is not, they have designated red light areas, they are generally industrial areas not residential, there was a brothel just across from the company I was working for at the time, when I would work late, I'd often stroll past and chuckle at the red light at the door, wishing we had similar areas at home.

Red Light districts have worked in other countries as well.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
TravellingGuy said:
I spent some time in Munich, Germany and learned of their red light districts. In certain areas of the city street walking is legal, however in most it is not, they have designated red light areas, they are generally industrial areas not residential, there was a brothel just across from the company I was working for at the time, when I would work late, I'd often stroll past and chuckle at the red light at the door, wishing we had similar areas at home.

Red Light districts have worked in other countries as well.
Canada should do the same. I say industrial areas would be better. AND if the government thinks this is no money in it for them thay are wrong. They can get it back from income taxes and perhaps a higher levy on property tax. THis tax wouold support that cops that patrol this area constantly. The hospital cost of either provider/buyer. FOr desease HIV testing etc.
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