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U.S Media


Well-known member
It's not just the U.S.The line between"blogging" and investigative journalism is slowly being dissolved.The fact that something ,someone may have thought up while they were pinching a loaf in the shitter now passes in some cases as "Journalism"gives little hope for a relatively informed society 100 years from now..........

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Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
It's not just the U.S.The line between"blogging" and investigative journalism is slowly being dissolved.The fact that something ,someone may have thought up while they were pinching a loaf in the shitter now passes in some cases as "Journalism"gives little hope for a relatively informed society 100 years from now..........
That's why having an arms length public broadcaster is important. (A la BBC or CBC.) Market forces, when not inclined to serve as a propaganda tool for the narrowest interests, seek to synthesize news and entertainment to the detriment of society and the broader public good. Healthy private broadcasters help keep public broadcasters honest, and a healthy arms length public broadcaster helps keep the private media honest. This is one of the situations where private cartels do great harm. Mind you, telling that to many Americans ends up in screeching about Pravda and Socialism.

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Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
In the US this is PBS and NPR.
NPR is good in the states, and PBS has some excellent news coverage, but PSB in particular just doesn't have the reach that comes with reasonable and stable federal funding. PBS operates far more like TVO (and on that note TVO has some decent programming, though some of their hosts and guests have something more of a non-wingnut conservative bent than I otherwise like).
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