"TTC Leprechaun" douchebag strikes again


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
He's living off the avails of a court case win over the police so he claims. What a doozy. A true social misfit.


New member
Sep 5, 2005
"“That’s when people started getting off the bus to get on the next bus, which was right behind us,” said Ms. Ward. Ignoring the insults of restless commuters, the wool-capped man strode onto the rapidly emptying bus and sat down.

Until the arrival of police, the bus sat completely empty, save for the wool-capped man, the bus driver and Ms. Ward, who stayed to act as a witness."

I don't get it. If the bus wasn't full.. why did it not get moving?!


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002
Hopefully Karma pays him a visit. That, and/or he pisses off the wrong person.

This is why verbal assault leading to physical assult should be taken into accout when someone sues. You asked for it, now you got it.


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002
"“That’s when people started getting off the bus to get on the next bus, which was right behind us,” said Ms. Ward. Ignoring the insults of restless commuters, the wool-capped man strode onto the rapidly emptying bus and sat down.

Until the arrival of police, the bus sat completely empty, save for the wool-capped man, the bus driver and Ms. Ward, who stayed to act as a witness."

I don't get it. If the bus wasn't full.. why did it not get moving?!
Because he caused a disturbance which caused a disruption in service. Perhaps some of the riders did not fit on the following bus; seeing that the first was full the following bus may have been too full to take all of the passengers?

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
"“That’s when people started getting off the bus to get on the next bus, which was right behind us,” said Ms. Ward. Ignoring the insults of restless commuters, the wool-capped man strode onto the rapidly emptying bus and sat down.

Until the arrival of police, the bus sat completely empty, save for the wool-capped man, the bus driver and Ms. Ward, who stayed to act as a witness."

I don't get it. If the bus wasn't full.. why did it not get moving?!
Originally the bus was packed. After he argued with the driver, the driver called for TTC security and or the police. At that time the remainder of the passengers realized that the bus wasn't going anywhere and took another. The bus couldn't leave as the driver had called for assistance.

It appears that this character was trying to blame the police for assaulting him, but luckily the civilian witness and the TTC driver verified it was not true. If it is true that he was living off a previous settlement from the police, he could have been trying for another.


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
"“That’s when people started getting off the bus to get on the next bus, which was right behind us,” said Ms. Ward. Ignoring the insults of restless commuters, the wool-capped man strode onto the rapidly emptying bus and sat down.

Until the arrival of police, the bus sat completely empty, save for the wool-capped man, the bus driver and Ms. Ward, who stayed to act as a witness."

I don't get it. If the bus wasn't full.. why did it not get moving?!
Oh sure, once he hijacked the bus and made everyone get off so that he could have the bus all to himself the bus driver should have went on it's merry way. You are brilliant.


New member
Sep 5, 2005
It just seems silly to hold an entire bus up just because of one asshole.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Schmucks like this bait people into a law suit. Best idea, just sit on his bag, ignore him, if he touches you, or threatens you, sock him in the nose as hard as you can.
What a brilliant way to avoid a lawsuit. Kinda like avoiding hitting the car stopped in front of you by stomping on the gas.
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