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TTC Bus ride to Markham Rd frm Finch/Yonge Stn? How long?


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
I know I can call TTC... but it's 2am in the morning. Also it's been like forever since I had to go to Scarberia. <LOL>

Let's say I'm leaving from Yonge & Eg and need to be there by 8:30am.

I am curious because I just saw an interesting job posting for a place that is located there.

(Markham Rd and Finch Avenue East).

Thanks in advance for any info/help.

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New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
OK... I got my lazy fingers to do some walking and checked TTC website.

It's not too bad... take subway to Finch and then bus to Markham Rd.

I just wonder how long that bus ride is during rush hour.

But if anybody wants to give me rough estimate please do. I'm thinking maybe 1/2 hr.

That means takes me maybe a 1.25 to 1.5 hrs. (I actually leaving from Eg/Allen Rd).

Oh well... I guess that's why I-pods were invented eh? <LOL>
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Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
TheNiteHwk said:
But if anybody wants to give me rough estimate please do. I'm thinking maybe 1/2 hr.

That means takes me maybe a 1.25 to 1.5 hrs. <LOL>
No way I'd ever do it unless it meant a life-changing leap up in income brackets.

Don't know what AM traffic is like on Finch these days. 12 years ago I had to bus to work from Finch-Birchmount to Finch-Dufferin and it could take up 55 minutes for that distance even at 11AM. The only thing in your favour is that rush hour would have more Express busses going.

Depends on the driver too. A real kick-ass driver could do the Yonge to Birchmount part of the return trip in less than 14 minutes, but if you get one of those guys who slows down to catch every Red light so he can read the Sun...

Another factor to consider is that for the past 10 springs, the city has usually found some reason to plough up Eglinton between Old Park & Allen and close lanes. If that is the case again this year, it could add some time to the start of your trip.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Hard Idle said:
No way I'd ever do it unless it meant a life-changing leap up in income brackets. .

I'm just looking forward to get back to where I was 6 months ago as far as income goes. Since I left my last employment... have taken a big cut to what I've been use to last 1/2 dozen years. Also though this company has excellent benefits and working environment. On going training and chances for advancement are other attractive incentives. The latter being something my last job did not offer.

If all is as they are saying... I think 1.5 hrs each way is not too bad.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Yah... that's the map I looked at on-line last night.

I just phoned TTC info line... and they said a faster way is to take the new Sheppard line to Don Mills Stn and then #139E bus to Finch/Markham. Should save about 20 mins each way on the entire trip according to them. That's not too bad. I think I'll try that way when I go for interview next week.

Bonus... There are always lots of nice Asian girls on Sheppard subway line every time I ride it. Asian eye candy is #1! :)
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