TTC and Nepotism


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Is this news to you??? Cause its not to me!

This is not just going at the TTC but at all branches of government.
It's not what you know but who you know


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Esco! said:
Is this news to you??? Cause its not to me!

This is not just going at the TTC but at all branches of government.
It's not what you know but who you know
It's not just the government either, it happens in all businesses.....

As I always have a story to tell:

I worked for a major Cdn. retailer for 17 yrs. At about my 14th year, a position opened up in the buying dept which I was very qualified for through my experience with the company.

I didn't get it.

The person who did? Was a recent graduate of western university. They had a degree in ...get this? HISTORY. Not one business course taken in the 3 or 4 yrs in school. I later found out his "godfather" was a senior buyer in another buying group. Within 2 yrs he went from expediter to marketing assistant to buyer, to senior buyer. Totally unheard of. Salary: $29K to start, $110K in 2 yrs......The dept had a long standing rule that no MA could move into a buying position with no less than 3 yrs in any given position.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
The "Stephen Hawking like" commentary through out the video is cool. :)

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Esco! said:
This is not just going at the TTC but at all branches of government. It's not what you know but who you know
So funny because it's so hypocritical.

Yeah, government's got a monopoly on nepotism. :rolleyes:

I'll bet you dollars to donuts right here and now that there's a greater percentage of nepotism in YOUR line of work than there is in government.

Why? Because government has been forced to build in controls as a result of embarassing scandals in the past. Private sector, not so much (or anywhere near as much).

It almost makes me laugh out loud when I hear people trying to blame all of society's ills on governments. The big bad government is just your boogey man to make your miserable life feel better. Gotta have someone to blame...


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Keebler Elf said:
So funny because it's so hypocritical.

Yeah, government's got a monopoly on nepotism.

I'll bet you dollars to donuts right here and now that there's a greater percentage of nepotism in YOUR line of work than there is in government.

Why? Because government has been forced to build in controls as a result of embarassing scandals in the past. Private sector, not so much (or anywhere near as much).

It almost makes me laugh out loud when I hear people trying to blame all of society's ills on governments. The big bad government is just your boogey man to make your miserable life feel better. Gotta have someone to blame...
What the hell are you going on about, Elfie??? :confused:

I never complained about or blamed the govt, I just stated fact which is nepotism goes on everywhere (including like you said the private sector)


Jan 16, 2004
Keebler Elf said:
So funny because it's so hypocritical.

Yeah, government's got a monopoly on nepotism.

I'll bet you dollars to donuts right here and now that there's a greater percentage of nepotism in YOUR line of work than there is in government.

Why? Because government has been forced to build in controls as a result of embarassing scandals in the past. Private sector, not so much (or anywhere near as much).

It almost makes me laugh out loud when I hear people trying to blame all of society's ills on governments. The big bad government is just your boogey man to make your miserable life feel better. Gotta have someone to blame...
It's more of an issue when it's a 'company' that's funded in large part by tax dollars.

You don't like hiring practices of Home Depot (for example) then you can shop somewhere else. If I don't like the business practices of the TTC, I guess I can take the other transit system in the city? :rolleyes:

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Esco! said:
WI never complained about or blamed the govt, I just stated fact which is nepotism goes on everywhere (including like you said the private sector)
Then why single out the government?

Having worked in both government and private sector, I can tell you I've seen FAR worse nepotism in the private sector. FAR worse.

In the government you've always got someone looking over your shoulder. Plus it's heavily unionized so manager Bob hiring his son for a plum job is going to get noticed and grieved pronto.

But in the private sector... all bets are off and usually anything goes. Most customers have no idea about how/why joe-blow employee was hired. And the vast majority of customers don't care either. I'll bet you could count on one hand the number of people who won't shop at Home Depot because of nepotism (unless they had a personal axe to grind).

good to go

New member
Aug 17, 2001
I dont care so much if it is a private sector business,they lose money then they go out of business.But the TTC is funded largely by the public money,they fuck up the public pays for it.This is not a tough thing to figure out.

If the government had all of these things in place to stop this then why is it not being stopped?
Because these are just due diligence things that are not being used,they are there to make you feel better.If the news does not bring it up to the public then they dont do squat.They just turn their heads and collect their paycheques like they are entitled to it.

If there are things in place to stop this then where are they,why have they not done something as of yet?They have not because they are only there to investigate once it is brought to their attention.There are also foreman who book hours worked while at their cottage,they dont even show up.They have the workers phone them when they are done their job and all is okay.If the govt did a fraud investigation at the TTC you would be paying a lot less for a fare.There used to be one supervisor and one foreman for over 100 men and things ran smooth.Now there are over 4 supervisors and 14 foreman and they could not plan a childrens party for 4 kids.
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