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Trumps ammendments to the consitution


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
1: freedom of saying nice things about trunp but imprisonment for people who say mean things about him, especially CNN
2: right to bear arms
3: no solider or anyone who milania considers more attractive than the Donald shall take up quarters with her
4: Donald Trump shall not be searched especially if he is harboring illegal top secret documents
5 : Donald Trump can not incriminate himself even if he is video taped talking about crimes he committed
6: right to delay all trails until you become president and fire the prosecutors or when your life ends
7: jury trial that exonerated Trump in all civil trials
8: excessive fines and cruel and unusual punishment for those who betray Trump
9: the people's rights are abolished if they disagree eith Trump
10: rights reserved to red states or people who love Trump
11: no lawsuits against Trump
12: elections shall be decided by Trump
13: slave labor shall be resumed
14: no Mexicans can be American citizens but if your German grand father came here illegally and had a child that's OK
15: right to vote only for white poor and super rich
16: only democrats and non Trump voters pay income tax
17: only Trump shall elect senators
18: prohibition of liquor unless the liquor producers pay a 25% tariff directly to Trump
19: women shall have no right to vote unless they are voting that Trump is the world's sexiest human
20: Trump shall determine his tenure as king and appoint his successor before death
21: prohibition will only be repealed with a 5 billion dollar payment directly to Donald j Trump
22: unlimited term kingship for anyone Trump annoints. 0 terns for anyone who says mean things about him and doesn't recant
23: no vote for DC
24: trunp should never pay taxes but everyone else must
25: Trump shall remain president no matter how much more disabled he becomes or even when he dies
26: right to consent to sex at age 13 but only for Trump and Matt gaetz
27: Trump decides if and how much senators and representatives get paid
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Look who crawled out from the gutter. Figured you disappeared forever after that Trump win. Now I see you’ve been spending the last month and all your brain power coming up with this list :ROFLMAO:
What are u talking about tranny lover JC ? Got a cock stuck in your mouth again ?


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Trump is god. Trump is Jesus.

Fraud you tax record. Don't pay overtime. Fuck over by never paying your bills. Wait for the lawyer and pay 50%. Fuck over prostitute when your wife is pregnant. Cheat kid charity cancer foundation. Throw toilet paper to population in need. Mock disable journalist. Insult everyone who challenges you telling they are stupid and nasty. Call them names.

Be a men. Be Trump.
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