Trump Vows to Slash Energy Costs by Half if Elected


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Aug 20, 2024

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has promised to reduce energy costs by half by reversing current federal government policies in his first year in office if he gets elected.

Trump was speaking at an event at a defense manufacturing facility in Pennsylvania and said that if he enters the White House, during his first year he would remove future mandates for electric cars and cancel “green energy” policies, according to a report by UPI.

Trump went on to warn those in attendance that if Harris wins the presidential vote, energy costs would triple and quadruple, and the U.S. “won't be producing a drop of oil.” He also accused the Biden administration of a “regulatory jihad to shut down power plants.”

The Biden administration indeed has a very different energy policies agenda than Trump and Harris has indicated she would stay in the transition lane if she enters the White House as president.

Trump, on the other hand, has remained a staunch supporter of what he calls U.S. energy dominance, encouraging as much oil and gas production as possible to turn the country into a self-sufficient one in terms of energy and extend its international influence through energy exports.

Last month, in an interview with Bloomberg, Trump said that if he wins he would boost U.S. oil production, calling the commodity liquid gold.

“We have more liquid gold than anybody,” Trump told the publication, adding “We need energy at low prices. The advantage we have all over almost every country including the very large ones is that we have more energy than anybody. We have more of the real energy, the energy that works,” the former president vying for another term in office said.

“Wind does not work. It’s too expensive,” said Trump, claiming that solar and wind farms are neither too good for the environment, nor too suitable to provide energy at low costs and prices.



Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Wow what a lying idiot. Is anyone really stupid enough to believe him ?
Trump being a climate denier would not hesitate to implement
measures to stimulate increases of fossil fuel production, dirty
coal included. No reason to believe Trump can't bring down energy
cost which should be an easier feat for him to pull off than for
climate warrior Harris. Harris already made herself the enemy of
the oil industry as a former prosecutor of Big Oil. She has brazenly
reversed her position on fracking ban to appease Big Oil though. Once
she is in power she will turn against fossil fuel and that doesn't bode
well for gas prices.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Trump being a climate denier would not hesitate to implement
measures to stimulate increases of fossil fuel production, dirty
coal included. No reason to believe Trump can't bring down energy
cost which should be an easier feat for him to pull off than for
climate warrior Harris. Harris already made herself the enemy of
the oil industry as a former prosecutor of Big Oil. She has brazenly
reversed her position on fracking ban to appease Big Oil though. Once
she is in power she will turn against fossil fuel and that doesn't bode
well for gas prices.
Oil production is at peak capacity and there are no plans to build new refineries so to believe that Trump will create more is pure horseshit. Electric is the way of the future and if the US can cub their fossil fuel use they become an exporter rather than an importer thereby not being dependent on other countries. Furthermore, once nuclear fusion is achieved there will be no need for fossil fuels and this will certainly be achieved in the next 30 to 50 years


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Harris, fracking and Shapiro: Dem campaign looks for Pennsylvania breakthrough

Vice President Kamala Harris’ decision to reverse her support for a fracking ban is doing little to ease concerns among the fossil fuel industry and its workers — and cheerleaders for Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro see an opening.

Some Democratic Party allies fear Harris’ flip on fracking has still left her particularly vulnerable in Pennsylvania. What Harris needs now, the party’s boosters say, is someone like Shapiro — who has carved a middle ground in the country’s No. 2 natural gas-producing state — in the vice presidential slot.

A recent Fox News poll shows her in a dead heat with GOP nominee Donald Trump in the state, and her energy stances are already being used to attack Democratic Sen. Bob Casey. She’s also in a race to shore up the level of support among labor groups, many of which work in energy-intensive industries, that President Joe Biden enjoyed.

“She really needs to have face-to-face conversations with union leaders in the areas most affected by this and go on the record of being a supporter and proponent of natural gas — not just someone who won’t ban fracking,” Jeff Nobers, executive director of the Builders Guild of Western Pennsylvania, a union headquartered outside Pittsburgh, said in an interview.

Nobers predicted that Harris would “probably win” Pennsylvania if she tapped Shapiro as her running mate because of the governor’s close ties to unions.

Harris has not personally spoken about the drilling practice in recent years, but her campaign issued a statement Sunday saying “she would not ban fracking.” That stance walks back the position she held in 2019 during the Democratic presidential primaries.

While she tempered her own positions as President Joe Biden’s No. 2, Harris’ older comments have drawn new scrutiny from Trump, who cited them over the weekend to cast his new opponent as an “ultra liberal.”

Harris’ U-turn represents a concrete movement toward the center by a former senator who once co-sponsored the Green New Deal, which called for quickly weaning the U.S. off fossil fuels and expanding clean power. And as California attorney general, she sued the Obama administration to stop plans to use fracking off the state’s coastline.

That record became down-ballot campaign fodder for Dave McCormick, the GOP nominee challenging Casey, in a new ad hitting Harris over her 2019 fracking stance and other positions he said seek to “destroy American energy.”

Other Republicans are also finding plenty to mine from her career.

“She specifically said she wants to ban fracking. She said it,” Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-Pa.), the chief deputy whip in the U.S. House who represents the Pittsburgh area, said last week. “The problem for Harris is her track record is too long to sidestep it in a sprint to win Pennsylvania.”

On Sunday, Harris’ campaign noted that while the Biden administration passed the largest-ever U.S. climate change legislation, America still “has the highest ever domestic energy production.”

But Shapiro won his gubernatorial race in 2022 by 15 points, a huge margin in a state that went for Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020. Shapiro also boasts a 64 percent approval rating while governing a state with the country’s only divided Legislature.

Shapiro has made an intentional effort to shape an energy strategy that weaves together environmental groups, fossil fuel interests and organized labor — the latter of which yields key political influence in Pennsylvania and helped vault Shapiro to his 2022 win.

Critics of Shapiro’s efforts to expand renewable energy also acknowledge the goodwill he and Biden have with Keystone unions and business leaders but found Harris’ conversion on fracking unconvincing.

“Simply to flip flop and say, ‘Oh, I didn’t mean that, my position is the opposite now,’ that just strikes me as being completely opportunistic and insincere,” David Taylor, head of the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association, a Harrisburg-based industry group, said of Harris’ fracking reversal.

Still, Shapiro has been using his reputation to stump for Harris in his state, where on Monday he traveled to suburban Philadelphia for a rally with Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, another top contender for the vice presidential candidate spot.

State Rep. Mike Schlossberg, a Democrat from eastern Pennsylvania who serves as majority caucus chair, said he “1,000 percent” wants to see Shapiro as the vice presidential nominee — and “energy policy is one reason why” Shapiro could boost Harris.

Shapiro has struck a compromise deal on fracking regulations with one major gas producer in the state and publicly criticized Biden’s decision to pause exports from new liquefied natural gas projects. But in his previous job as attorney general and now as governor, Shapiro has sought to tighten health and environmental standards for fracking operations and collected penalties from violators in connection with a two-year investigation.

Shapiro’s mantra of “get shit done” has started to penetrate the electorate, too — and a Harris-Shapiro ticket could reenergize Democrats in the state who had soured on Biden’s ability to sell the administration’s investments in clean energy and manufacturing in Pennsylvania.

Celinda Lake, president of Lake Research Partners and a lead pollster for Biden’s 2020 campaign, said that voters attributed benefits from the bipartisan infrastructure law more to Shapiro than the Biden-Harris administration in a poll last year.

“People in his state really like him,” Lake said. “There’s no question he could help in his state.”



Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
On Sunday, Harris’ campaign noted that while the Biden administration passed the largest-ever U.S. climate change legislation, America still “has the highest ever domestic energy production.”

This deceitful statement shows how low Harris can stoop to.
The fact is America has the highest oil production under climate
hypocrite Joe Biden. Harris as president will have to find a way
to sucker climate sheeple supporters to believe rising carbon
emission is good for the climate.


Active member
May 25, 2021
So the guy named Oil&Gas doesn't understand that oil is a global market?

More US production? OPEC buys it up. Why burn their supply when they can buy yours cheaper, then sell it back to you?

Trumps domestic policies are aimed at stoking anger, and his foreign policies are aimed at selling America to enrich himself.
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
DUH, why didn't he do all this impressive stuff in his first four years? How good is he at telling the truth and keeping his promises? :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
So the guy named Oil&Gas doesn't understand that oil is a global market?

More US production? OPEC buys it up. Why burn their supply when they can buy yours cheaper, then sell it back to you?
OPEC buys it up and the carbon emission produced from burning the
U.S. produced oil won't affect the climate according to which climate

Trumps domestic policies are aimed at stoking anger, and his foreign policies are aimed at selling America to enrich himself.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Here is someone who could help with future president Harris
spinning her climate agenda. I propose to Harris to consider
making AOC the climate czar to bring in more votes from
climate sheeple supporters.

AOC's box office disaster reminds some critics she's a flop in Congress: 'She doesn't do her job'
December 14, 2022

The disastrous performance of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's climate change documentary at the box office over the weekend reminded her critics of one thing: She doesn't do her actual job in Congress.
But Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., accomplishes nothing in Congress, and Gutfeld said it's "no surprise" her film flopped, generating only $80 per theater.



Active member
May 25, 2021
OPEC buys it up and the carbon emission produced from burning the
U.S. produced oil won't affect the climate according to which climate
are you experiencing Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body, or sudden severe headache with no known cause?

Call 911 dude.

Or just change the subject because you posted something objectively false that shows no understanding of the commodity from which you derive your personality.

Oh wait...


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Trump has more control over energy than Harris has over the
course of global climate change.
She wants to turn things around. Knows things like dismantling EPA and IRS certainly won't cut it. Everyone on the planet, at least those under 30 should support her on that. If global warming isn't not only halted but actually reversed, everyone in Southern Florida will have to either grow gills or become one of those goddam refugees. Just one example...


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
She wants to turn things around. Knows things like dismantling EPA and IRS certainly won't cut it. Everyone on the planet, at least those under 30 should support her on that. If global warming isn't not only halted but actually reversed, everyone in Southern Florida will have to either grow gills or become one of those goddam refugees. Just one example...
Oil$gas oscillates between gloating over how much cash the oil$gas industry has made and then pretending guilt at the understanding of what he's done to his kids and the planet.

But really, its all just gloating and whining that it might end.

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