Trump Tower Would Not Exist Without This Brilliant Muslim Engineer


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Trump would have no trouble letting the world know that there are brilliant Muslims and that his tower and other projects of his were built with the help of Muslim engineers. He does lots of business with Muslims and has many Muslim friends who support him and his statements.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Trump must falafel about the comments he made.


Mar 12, 2004
I'm still astounded how the simple minded here still don't get it.

It's NOT about that Muslim, or that Muslim, or even that Muslim.

Thank god you don't have jobs that peoples live's depend on.


Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009

Abul Hasan is distinguished as the inventor of the Telescope

The Pendulum was invented by Ibn Yunus

The first watch was made by Kutbi

The invention of Mariners Compass, is essentially a contribution of the Muslims

Mir Fatehullah Khan is known to history as the inventor of gun and gunpowder.

The distinction of inventing photography goes to Ibn al-Hashem

A unique instrument was invented by Abu Solet Umayya in 1134 A.D. through which a sunken ship would be raised--which greatly helped in the salvage expeditions of mediaeval times.

The credit for manufacturing soap goes to Arab chemists, who introduced it to the world.

Al-Masudi who died in Cairo in 957 A.D. may be called the "Pliny of the Arabs" In his celebrated work The Meadows of Gold, he has described an earthquake, and the first windmill which was also invented by a Muslim.

Giralda or "The Tower of Seville", was the first observatory in Europe. It was built in 1190 A.D., in the Spanish town of Seville under the supervision of the celebrated Mathematician, Jabir Ibn Afiah.

Bold experiments and unique innovations in the field of mathematics were carried out by Muslim mathematicians who developed this science to an exceptionally high degree.

The Muslims have made a lasting contribution to the development of Medical Science. Razi (Rhazes), Ibn Sina (Avicenna), and Abu Ali al-Hasan (Alhazen) were the greatest medical scholars of mediaeval times. Al-Razi was the inventor of "Seton" in Surgery and the author of Al-Judari wal Hasbak, an authentic book dealing with measles and small pox. Avicenna wrote Al-Qanun Jil Tib known as Cannon, which was the most widely studied medical work of mediaevel times and was reprinted more than twenty times during the last 30 years of the 15th century in many different languages. Alhazen was the world's greatest authority on "optics". The contagious character of the plague and its remedies were discovered by Ibn Katina, a Moorish Physician.

Ibn Firnas is credited with making glass from stones.

Muslims are not the problem, of course, it is the few radical nutbars, Trumps point is to keep the few out you must ban them all. I suspect Trump does not believe a lot of what he says , he is appealing to the far right and it is working.


Mar 31, 2009
Question: Members of which religious group brought down the twin towers in NYC on September 11, 2001?


Apr 23, 2014
Answer: Christians, Jews and Muslims. I'd however venture to say that the first 2 would be at the top of the list, while the latter would have had some involvement via the Saudi Royal family.


Apr 23, 2014
Muslims are not the problem, of course, it is the few radical nutbars, Trumps point is to keep the few out you must ban them all. I suspect Trump does not believe a lot of what he says , he is appealing to the far right and it is working.

I wholeheartedly agree 100%.

Of course Trump has to say some crazy shit to stir the right base and win the primaries, then the nomination.
IF and that's a big IF he gets the nomination, he'll retract, apologize in his way and say he was misunderstood, blah, blah, blah.

He's still a loud mouth idiot with very little clue about world affairs. Imagine him having control of the military? Scary.

Big Rig

Well-known member
May 6, 2009
I wholeheartedly agree 100%.

Of course Trump has to say some crazy shit to stir the right base and win the primaries, then the nomination.
IF and that's a big IF he gets the nomination, he'll retract, apologize in his way and say he was misunderstood, blah, blah, blah.

He's still a loud mouth idiot with very little clue about world affairs. Imagine him having control of the military? Scary.

An expert in real estate, and nothing else, controlling the worlds biggest military

He knows squat about international affairs, economics etc

Everyone thinks if they were in charge they would create a better world



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

Abul Hasan is distinguished as the inventor of the Telescope

The Pendulum was invented by Ibn Yunus

The first watch was made by Kutbi

The invention of Mariners Compass, is essentially a contribution of the Muslims

Mir Fatehullah Khan is known to history as the inventor of gun and gunpowder.

The distinction of inventing photography goes to Ibn al-Hashem

A unique instrument was invented by Abu Solet Umayya in 1134 A.D. through which a sunken ship would be raised--which greatly helped in the salvage expeditions of mediaeval times.

The credit for manufacturing soap goes to Arab chemists, who introduced it to the world.

Al-Masudi who died in Cairo in 957 A.D. may be called the "Pliny of the Arabs" In his celebrated work The Meadows of Gold, he has described an earthquake, and the first windmill which was also invented by a Muslim.

Giralda or "The Tower of Seville", was the first observatory in Europe. It was built in 1190 A.D., in the Spanish town of Seville under the supervision of the celebrated Mathematician, Jabir Ibn Afiah.

Bold experiments and unique innovations in the field of mathematics were carried out by Muslim mathematicians who developed this science to an exceptionally high degree.

The Muslims have made a lasting contribution to the development of Medical Science. Razi (Rhazes), Ibn Sina (Avicenna), and Abu Ali al-Hasan (Alhazen) were the greatest medical scholars of mediaeval times. Al-Razi was the inventor of "Seton" in Surgery and the author of Al-Judari wal Hasbak, an authentic book dealing with measles and small pox. Avicenna wrote Al-Qanun Jil Tib known as Cannon, which was the most widely studied medical work of mediaevel times and was reprinted more than twenty times during the last 30 years of the 15th century in many different languages. Alhazen was the world's greatest authority on "optics". The contagious character of the plague and its remedies were discovered by Ibn Katina, a Moorish Physician.

Ibn Firnas is credited with making glass from stones.

Muslims are not the problem, of course, it is the few radical nutbars, Trumps point is to keep the few out you must ban them all. I suspect Trump does not believe a lot of what he says , he is appealing to the far right and it is working.
Debunking silly myths of muslim inventions

the Chinese invented gun powder long before the rise of Islam they use it for fireworks

the first use of a Pendullum was used in 1st century China during the Han Dynasty by Scientist Zhang Heng

the first watch is created in 15th century Europe

german-dutch man Hans Lippershey invented the telescope in the 17th century

the first compass was made in Han Dynasty China between the 2nd century BC and 1st century AD

Photography is the result of combining several technical discoveries. Long before the first photographs were made, Chinese philosopher Mo Di and Greek mathematicians Aristotle and Euclid described a pinhole camera in the 5th and 4th centuries BCE.[7][8] In the 6th century CE, Byzantine mathematician Anthemius of Tralles used a type of camera obscura in his experiments,[9] Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) (965–1040) studied the camera obscura and pinhole camera,[8][10] Albertus Magnus (1193–1280) discovered silver nitrate,[11] and Georg Fabricius (1516–71) discovered silver chloride.[12] Techniques described in the Book of Optics are capable of producing primitive photographs using medieval materials.[13][14][15]

Soap was first used in Ancient Babylon from 2800-2200BCE

Salvaging sunken ships started in Europe in the 1600s

the Ancient of Greeks Egyptians, Babylonians, Chinese etc where doing mathematics for millenia

The history of glassmaking can be traced back to 3500 BC in Mesopotamia

The Ancient world started teh science and fields of Medicince

the Pre-Islamic world where already advancing in science long before the rise of Isam


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The non-Muslim Hindu Indians invented algebra and the decimal numbering system.

The non-Muslim European Christians invented the university.

All modern physics descends from Galileo (1564 -1642); all modern astronomy from Copernicus (1473-1543). If you study Galileo’s works carefully, as I have, you see that he started with the achievements of the Greek mathematical physicist Archimedes of Syracuse (c. 287 BC – c. 212 BC). If you study Copernicus’ works carefully, as I have, you will see that Copernicus’ great book On the Revolutions is essentially a heliocentric re-working of the geocentric astronomy textbook by the Greek Ptolemy (c. 90 AD – 168 AD). Copernicus mostly used even Ptolemy’s data for the positions of the planets.

Surgery started in Neolithic times

Many of the inventions the Muslims take credit for are the inventions of the peoples, countries and lands they conquered. The booty from their conquests wasn’t only tangible gold, women, and monies, but intellectual theft as well.

The first Arabic-language medical treatise was written by a Christian priest and translated into Arabic by a Jewish doctor in 683. The first hospital was founded in Baghdad during the Abbasid caliphate — not by a Muslim, but a Nestorian Christian. A pioneering medical school was founded at Gundeshapur in Persia — by Assyrian Christians. The bottom line: the inventions and discoveries attributed to the Muslim world were actually stolen from conquered peoples.

- See more at:

PS more facts

The Arabic-language inheritance of science was largely Greek, followed by Hindu influences.

The Indian scholar Pingala, of the 2nd century BC or earlier, used binary numbers in the form of short and long syllables (the latter equal in length to two short syllables), a notation similar to Morse code. In his Chandah-sutras (prosody sutras), dated to 3rd or 2nd century BC, Pingala used the Sanskrit word śūnya explicitly to refer to zero. This is so far the oldest known use of śūnya to mean zero in India.

By 130 AD, Ptolemy, influenced by Hipparchus and the Babylonians, was using a symbol for zero (a small circle with a long overbar) within a sexagesimal numeral system otherwise using alphabetic Greek numerals. Because it was used alone, not just as a placeholder, this Hellenistic zero was perhaps the first documented use of a number zero in the Old World.

The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar developed in south-central Mexico and Central America required the use of zero as a place-holder within its vigesimal (base-20) positional numeral system. Many different glyphs, including this partial quatrefoil—MAYA-g-num-0-inc-v1.svg—were used as a zero symbol for these Long Count dates, the earliest of which (on Stela 2 at Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas) has a date of 36 BC.

Ch'in Chiu-shao's 1247 Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections is the oldest surviving Chinese mathematical text using a round symbol for zero. Chinese authors had been familiar with the idea of negative numbers by the Han Dynasty (2nd century AD), as seen in the The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
It's been said Trump appeals to non college white men. He is the monkey Amerca needs unfortunately!
Aren't Democrats the party that supposedly cares for the poor and uneducated (i.e. the disadvantaged)? Why is it that if a candidate purportedly draws support among non-college white men that all of a sudden their poverty is no longer a concern and they're judged by their IQ level?


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Muslims are not the problem, of course, it is the few radical nutbars, Trumps point is to keep the few out you must ban them all. I suspect Trump does not believe a lot of what he says , he is appealing to the far right and it is working.
He's also appealing to the lion's share of Independents. As for his recommendation, even 18% (very high) of Democrats are in agreement.

You've either misinterpreted what he wants and said, or you should be more careful when you paraphrase what he said.

It wouldn't be a surprise if Trump gained a greater share of minority votes (hispanic and black) than any Republican candidate in recent history. They want all the things that any normal citizen wants that Trump is running on - a stronger economy, more jobs, a safe country, a non-porous border.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Debunking silly myths of muslim inventions

the Chinese invented gun powder long before the rise of Islam they use it for fireworks

the first use of a Pendullum was used in 1st century China during the Han Dynasty by Scientist Zhang Heng

the first watch is created in 15th century Europe

german-dutch man Hans Lippershey invented the telescope in the 17th century

the first compass was made in Han Dynasty China between the 2nd century BC and 1st century AD

Photography is the result of combining several technical discoveries. Long before the first photographs were made, Chinese philosopher Mo Di and Greek mathematicians Aristotle and Euclid described a pinhole camera in the 5th and 4th centuries BCE.[7][8] In the 6th century CE, Byzantine mathematician Anthemius of Tralles used a type of camera obscura in his experiments,[9] Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) (965–1040) studied the camera obscura and pinhole camera,[8][10] Albertus Magnus (1193–1280) discovered silver nitrate,[11] and Georg Fabricius (1516–71) discovered silver chloride.[12] Techniques described in the Book of Optics are capable of producing primitive photographs using medieval materials.[13][14][15]

Soap was first used in Ancient Babylon from 2800-2200BCE

Salvaging sunken ships started in Europe in the 1600s

the Ancient of Greeks Egyptians, Babylonians, Chinese etc where doing mathematics for millenia

The history of glassmaking can be traced back to 3500 BC in Mesopotamia

The Ancient world started teh science and fields of Medicince

the Pre-Islamic world where already advancing in science long before the rise of Isam
well, we both get our info from the net



Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
I've put on a few pounds, I Muslim down before next summers speedo season. I falafel right now.
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