Pickering Angels

Trip Report Havana, July-August 2006


New member
Jun 28, 2006
Trip Report Havana, July-August 2006

I was in Havana for two weeks on vacation. Mongering was one of my priorities. You could say I was there for the “ABC’s”; Architecture, Babes, and Cigars. And, not necessarily in that order. In any case, here is my report, from a mongering perspective, of course.

I stayed in relatively nice casa particular in the Vedado area of Havana. This is a good neighborhood to stay as it is very safe at night and close to all the so called hot spots that you would want to visit for chicas; La Rampa, El Malecon, La Coppelia, etc. Where La Rampa meets El Malecon is usually the busiest area late at night as all the chicas gather there as the weekend approaches. I met my first chica on El Malecon in this general vicinity on my second night in the city. The first night I arrived was just way too late and I was very tired from almost 7 hours on the plane. This chica, Yolanda (not her real name), 19, ended up staying with me in my casa for almost a week. Nice GFE experience. She did not ask for any money, although I obviously did pay for everything while we were together. On the downside, she had some friends with her who kept hanging out with us during the day and night and this added to the cost. Hint, get rid of the friends, or don’t get involved with someone who insists on having them around.

We also traveled to Holguin for a few days near the end of the week. I must say that if you want easy pickings, this is the place to be. Late at night in the main town square, all the chicas come out and stay out till 5-6am in the morning. Absolutely gorgeous babes everywhere. And, all looking for someone to pick them up. I was with Yolanda at the time, so I did not do anything except watch. She knew some of them as well and I got to meet a few during this time. Late at night is very safe as all the young people are out in the square and on the streets. I did not feel threatened at all in my time there and I/we were out every night till almost morning. On another downside, Yolanda got her period during the end of the week, or so she said. This ended any fun I could have had. Week number one went by very quickly.

Week number two started with me back in Havana by myself as Yolanda decided to stay in Holguin. I gave her some lingerie (preparation is everything) and chewing gum earlier during our time together, and CUC $20 as I left. No big loss as being on the rag limited things greatly. This week was very different from the first week as Castro became ill. Thus, the police were everywhere. I had zero chica hits. Police in every corner of El Centro (central/downtown Havana), Havana Vieja (old Havana), Vedado (where I stayed). I went everywhere looking, but no one was taking any chances in talking to a tourist. I even had the police follow me for blocks at a time as I walked down the streets, camera out and shooting, to disguise the fact I was scoping for chicas at the same time. No luck what-so-ever.

Places like El Rapido, the Amercia building where Casa De La Musica is, was devoid of chicas. I did notice these two chicas who were cruising the Hotel Ingleterra earlier there again. But, they were way too young.

The chicas I passed and said “Hola” to just ignored me. El Malecon late at night was almost deserted in comparison to the first week. La Rampa had lots of chicas, but none of them would look at you anymore. La Coppelia (nice place for homemade ice cream by the way) was usually packed with people, but they were all too young. And, I mean less than 18 years old. Thus went the first part of my second week. I reconciled myself to shooing the architecture and enjoying the cigars instead.

During the second part of week two, I hooked up with this private taxi driver who the people of the casa where I was staying knew. Should have met him sooner. He got me in touch with another guy who knew chicas. Thus, I banged my second chica. Her name was Maria (not her real name), 21. A very lively chica who loved my DATY. I could have had her the next night, but I had arranged for another one instead. Total damage CUC $50 + CUC $10 tip + CUC $10 for the guy who arranged it all.

Unfortunately, the next night, as things are the way they are in Cuba, things fell through and I did not get to bang this other blond that I had arranged previously. It was now my last night in Cuba and once again, I went in search of a chica late at night along La Rampa and El Malecon. The police where still everywhere and my luck had not changed.

Total score this trip: 2.

A few general comments are in order: Havana is full of hustlers, especially the downtown areas near Hotel Ingleterra, the Capitolio, Barrio Chino, and the Partagas factory. Don’t talk to them, or even acknowledge their existence. To do so means you just cannot get rid of them short of, literally, running away. In most other areas you will wander, people will generally leave you alone.

When I do return, I would go to the quieter towns, like Holguin for example, for chicas. It is way less hectic and the pickings are easier. The general attitude, which I did not encounter myself, but only saw, is not present as much. It’s way more laid back and easy going. The next trip I would explore Cienfuegos and Trinidad instead based on my experiences in Holguin. Havana is a nice place to visit, but it’s way too high pressure. And, with more cars than you would believe based on other reports.

A bit about myself: I have been with SP’s in my own home town for decades. Have read these forums on and off for years and have gleaned useful information from them. Thus, I felt it was my turn to make a contribution. I am middle age, but do look almost 15-20 years younger! Am not tall, but not short either. Definitely not fat. Average is what you would most likely call it. But, of a noticeable ethnic origin. Therefore, I do not consider my experiences as being normative. They are just that, my experiences. Your mileage may, of course, vary.


New member
Jul 27, 2003
Nice informative lengthy 1st post. :)

Welcome to the board walden.


New member
Jun 28, 2006
I have a basic command of the language based on 3 courses taken a long ago, about 15 years ago. You should have enough of the language to carry on a simple conversation. As most people do not speak any English, it's kinda hard to get your point across without some Spanish. That being said, most hustlers do speak English. Beware of these people. You will find the most rewarding experiences interacting with those who did not learn English specifically to hustle you.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
The hustlers there are known as Jineteros, otherwise known as jockeys. The females will ride you in one way, the hustlers try to get cash by being your unofficial guide. The only benefit is that if you find someone you feel you can trust to a certain degree and set the ground rules, the other hustlers will usually keep their distance.
I was planning on visiting Havana for this long week-end but after reading the report, I'm glad I delayed my decision. I had a feeling that there might have a been a crackdown due to his illness.
Puerto Padre, which is close to Holguin, has their festival in November. I was there a few years ago and had no trouble spending time in public with a girl I met, not sure how it would be now.


New member
Jun 28, 2006

Tried to post some pix of the girls, but got a size limit of only 4.9KB allowed. Most likely I'm doing something wrong. Some help would be appreciated if you know how.


New member
Jun 28, 2006
The Carnival started the day I left Havana. It lasts about a week. It's held along the Malecon and should be a haven for people looking for people. This was how I met my first chica. There was a live outdoor music concert at the stage where all the flags are (sorry, don't remeber the name of the place) that night. Lots, and lots, and lots, of people.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
walden said:
I had zero chica hits. Police in every corner of El Centro (central/downtown Havana), Havana Vieja (old Havana), Vedado (where I stayed). I went everywhere looking, but no one was taking any chances in talking to a tourist. I even had the police follow me for blocks at a time as I walked down the streets, camera out and shooting, to disguise the fact I was scoping for chicas at the same time. No luck what-so-ever.
This is why I have no desire to go to Cuba again.

That and the simple fact that they do not have strip clubs, whorehouses, massage parlours, or casinos.
Toronto Escorts