Toronto Escorts



New member
Jan 18, 2011
Hey guys,

I was checking out Toronto Oriental's website and then checked out their twitter feed. Their twitter page is seriously out of date but what caught my attention was the link to their homepage: which ended up being a page dedicated to stopping Asian sex trafficking. Are the allegations on this page true? I've used their service before and I'd hate to think that I was supporting something like that. I've been lurking for some time now but thought that this is the time to question what might be going on. Thoughts? I apologize if this has already been discussed in some other thread.


New member
Jan 18, 2011
OK, that response didn't really address my concerns. Anyone care to shed some light on this? This is a serious matter.


Lover of Beautiful Souls
Jun 29, 2003
Ivory Tower
Illegal immigrants are often exploited by people who take advantage of their inability to go to the authorities without facing deportation. This certainly happens sometimes in sex work, but despite the sensationalistic stories you hear, there's no evidence that it's particularly common or unusually bad among sex workers. Underage SPs also exist, but are also far less common than the sensationalistic anti-trafficking crusaders suggest, and are mostly involved in street work. Maybe Toronto Orientals is one of the really bad businesses, but I certainly wouldn't believe it based on a single anti-trafficking website, and I couldn't find anything more substantial. I can think of a couple of reasons to be skeptical. Usually the agencies with the sleaziest practices are the ones that pretend they don't exist, and post ads for their girls pretending that the girls are independents; Toronto Orientals isn't one of those. Also, on the underage specifically, I saw someone from Toronto Oriental Girls some years ago. Given how generic the name is, I have no idea if that Toronto Oriental Girls was connected to the present situation, but the SP I saw seemed to be in her 30s, maybe closer to 40 than 30, and an awful lot of reviews of various Asian agencies seem to suggest that women in their 30s are probably the majority among those working for these outfits.
Toronto Escorts