Toxins in cigarette smoke


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2021
These are some of the most lethal toxins found in cigarette smoke. You are committing slow suicide if you are a cigarette smoker.

Tar - Tar is a sticky, brown residue in tobacco smoke containing hundreds of chemicals. Many of these are known to cause cancer. Tar kills cilia in the lungs. Cilia are tiny, hair-like structures lining the airways to help clean out particles and pollutants. Damaged cilia are less effective at clearing tobacco smoke and other pollutant particles from the lungs, making people who smoke more susceptible to lung disease.
Carbon monoxide - Carbon monoxide is in tobacco smoke as a result of burning tobacco. It reduces the ability of the red blood cells to deliver oxygen to tissues, causing damage to the body, especially the cardiovascular system. This colourless, odourless, and potentially fatal gas is also found in automobile exhaust and released by poorly maintained furnaces.
Formaldehyde - Formaldehyde is a known cancer causing substance in humans. In people exposed to tobacco smoke, formaldehyde contributes to symptoms such as eye, nose and throat irritation. Formaldehyde can cause nasopharyngeal cancer, cancer of the nose, oral cavity, and throat.
Hydrogen cyanide - Considered one of the most toxic agents in tobacco smoke, many short and long-term toxic effects of tobacco smoke are associated with hydrogen cyanide. Inhaling hydrogen cyanide damages cilia, allowing foreign particles and harmful chemicals to accumulate in the respiratory tract.
Benzene - Benzene is a toxic compound and known cancer causing substance in humans. Long-term exposure to benzene can harm the bone marrow, where new blood cells are made. This can result in a low red blood cell count, causing anemia. Benzene exposure is also associated with a higher risk of leukemia, a cancer that develops in the bone marrow.
Cadmium - Cadmium is a cancer causing heavy metal found in tobacco smoke that can damage the cells lining the blood vessels of the body. High levels of cadmium in the body contribute to heart disease and lung cancer.


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