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Toronto Star: Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) did cocaine on ‘Empire Strikes Back’ set


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Cathal Kelly
Staff Reporter

How do you know when you have a serious drug problem? When John Belushi says you maybe want to think about slowing down. LOL

That’s what Carrie Fisher says happened around the time she was starring as Princess Leia in the Star Wars films.

This weekend, Fisher told Associated Press in Australia that her drug habit had taken over by the late ’70s.

“We did cocaine on the set of (The) Empire (Strikes Back), in the ice planet,” Fisher said. “I didn't even like coke that much, it was just a case of getting on whatever train I needed to take to get high.”

On the ice planet?! You mean Hoth? Was it before or after Han slit open the belly of the dead Tauntaun to save Luke from freezing to death? Because maybe all he needed was a strong stimulant. And that might’ve saved Luke the trouble of burning his Hoth space suit afterward.

Fisher also said that it was around this time that Animal House star Belushi warned her off drugs. Belushi should’ve taken his own advice. He died of an overdose in 1982.

Fisher has made a career of mocking her own foibles, including her addictions. And anybody’s who read Peter Biskind or seen Hearts of Darkness knows that if sobriety was a pre-requisite, they wouldn’t have made any movies in the ’70s.

So we’re a long way from feeling betrayed on this one.

We’re kind of hoping this jars loose a few more confessions about the Star Wars prequels. Because how else do you explain Jar Jar Binks? LOL :p

Or the script?

Or the casting decisions?

Or the wisdom of pinning a sci-fi trilogy around a “tax dispute”?

Or the fact that R2 can %$#^ing fly?

Breathe. Breathe.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
Isn't this old news?
I could of sworn she's written about her drug problems +20 years ago??

I believe there was even a movie loosely based on her life?
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