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Tories: Diabolical and Desperate


New member
Sep 15, 2001
The Tories realize that Canadians will refuse them a majority once again. What's this? The fourth time? Canadians do NOT trust Harper. So when the polls say a majority is possible, they bleed support in any and all directions. Now they realize what is up. Canadians will not give them a majority. They have changed plans (desperate), and now they leak (anonymous sources) that their internal polls suggest that a majority is impossible, hoping to stop the bleeding and attract some of that support back again (diabolical).

Harper's original strategy was flawed. This desperate and diabolical twist is too little too late. Harper is toast. He'll be gone before the next election.

Exclusive: Majority out of reach, Tories say
NIAGARA FALLS—Stephen Harper's Conservatives must win 23 more seats in Ontario to achieve their coveted majority, a task that senior party insiders now admit is almost impossible, the Star has learned.

High-ranking sources confide that even with the collapse of Michael Ignatieff's Liberals — and NDP Leader Jack Layton's surge, which helps split the vote in many Ontario ridings — it will be very difficult to make such immense gains in Canada's most populous province.

At the dissolution of Parliament, the minority Tories held 51 of Ontario's 106 federal seats.

Party sources say the possible loss of several British Columbia ridings to the New Democrats — and others in Quebec, where Layton is surfing an orange wave — has forced them to revise their projections.

As of Thursday, they said they needed to win at least 74 seats in Ontario to achieve a majority.

“It all comes down to Ontario and we're just not there,” a source said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the party's internal polling is closely guarded.

Another source confirmed the Tories' data echoes publicly available polls, such as Wednesday's Toronto Star-Angus Reid survey showing the Conservatives at 35 per cent, the New Democrats at 30 per cent and the Liberals at 22 per cent.



LOL, depends how you look at it I guess, I might say that there are more Canadians trust the Tories than any other party!


Mar 16, 2011
Banned Luxury Hotel
LOL, depends how you look at it I guess, I might say that there are more Canadians trust the Tories than any other party!
Since the policies of the other parties are all substantially to the left of the Conservatives, I'd suggest that Harper does so welll precisely because the opposition vote is split at least three ways. If the Green party were to vanish, most of their votes would go NDP or Liberal. If the NDP were to vanish, the Liberals would have a permanent majority.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Jack promised to make everyone rich. On Monday I plan on buying a new car. Thanks Jack!


New member
Dec 3, 2010
I think it's pretty clear that for about the past week or so the Conservatives have been in panic mode.
The fact this article comes from Harper's visit to Niagara Falls speaks volumes. Rob Nicholson, the former "Justice" Minister is in trouble here and may lose his seat.
Toronto Escorts