Topless in public: Comments, opinions, and ideas. Gals & Guys Please Respond.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Another thread and memories of some gone by years ago triggered this idea for me to post. If I remember correctly it was some girl down London way some years ago that won in court after being charged with being topless in public. From there on in it was seemly OK for women to go topless in public. I remember at the time guys were commenting all over the place they could not wait till spring to see all the topless girls running around town. Those of us with a little more intuitiveness though knew this was never going to happen. The question though is: Why is that, really? Is it because us guys here in North America are not use to seeing women topless all the time or on a regular basis so maybe we would all go goo, goo ga, ga too much. Would the sudden appearance of topless women everywhere cause too much neck turning and accidents on the roads? Are women in North America just too programmed from an early age to feel comfortable going topless in public? Did Hooters campaign the public to much fearing that they would soon be out of business if women were suddenly topless in all restaurants all over? And my final question: Why is it that when ever there has been some sort of demo about women’s rights to go topless that the only women showing up to protest and bare all are those that no one would ever want to see them topless anyway? I mean I saw a demo (in person) on Parliament Hill in Ottawa some years ago. If ever confronted with the women I saw there in a SC… I would pay them to get dressed. Discuss away… :D


I'm Back
Feb 11, 2002
overlooking an old mill
Same ideals for guys and gals...

I think topless by either guys or girls has a place, and that place is not on the street in the workplace (save for entertainment venues), or in places that people have no choice to be. On beaches, parks, in clubs, private yards etc. it should be as natural as sunshine...again for both men and women.
Hot days should not be an excuse for public toplessness by either sex, instead the expression of freedom while maintaining respect for others should be.
Unfortunately we have so objectified the female form in this culture, that we have lost all perspective on the topic.
Too bad.


Say wha!
Aug 28, 2002
The Land of MONEY.
Since the change in laws, I've seen one Topless Women. Big freakin Deal.

BUT and the big But , it was near a playground walking with her boyfriend or husband. That is wrong.

Take it to a beach or pool area for adults. That's fine. But not walking down the street in a residential area.

I don't even like men walking around without shirts on.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
I haven't seen any topless bathing at all since the ruling. It's a shame women feel uncomfortable, even on the beach I see most are donning Tshirts and shorts instead of bikinis.
The more adventurous should take the lead, the more shy and conforming will eventually follow. Anyone on this board willing?

Dutch too

New member
Dec 10, 2004
Out there
IMHO there is a time and place for everything. Just because you can go topless does not mean it is appropriate. On a secluded beach or a private back yard OK, walking down a busy downtown street or a public park No, (I include both guys and gals in that).

As to the question why the least attractive are the most likely to do it (go topless), I think it goes that some people just don't think. :confused:


New member
Aug 20, 2003
PDL007 said:
Since the change in laws, I've seen one Topless Women. Big freakin Deal.

BUT and the big But , it was near a playground walking with her boyfriend or husband. That is wrong.

Take it to a beach or pool area for adults. That's fine. But not walking down the street in a residential area.

I don't even like men walking around without shirts on.

You may have hangups but that doesn't mean everyone does. What is wrong with the naked body. Why should it be shameful for a child to see a naked body. Kids now are used to seeing all kinds of violence on tv but somehow this is ok and and a GASP naked body isn't. What about children raised as naturists I guess they grow up all twisted and evil right.


Orally Gifted...
Dec 2, 2004
Nude is Natural....

PDL007 said:
BUT and the big But , it was near a playground walking with her boyfriend or husband. That is wrong.

Take it to a beach or pool area for adults. That's fine. But not walking down the street in a residential area.

I don't even like men walking around without shirts on.
I agree that clothing in public places is a good thing for both men & woman. I would have no problem if I was at a beach and my kids saw a naked person.

What bothers me is; I heard this comment from a mother that really bothered me. She said

"that she rented the movie Friday the 13th for her 10yr old sons birthday party and said “no” to some other movie because it had nudity (a bare boob shot) in it" I can't remember what the movie was that she discouraged but I would have rather my son watched it then a violent scary movie that is inappropriate for a 10yr old.

My concern is as a society we are OK with injecting violence into our lives but have a fit if someone is nude. What is up with this? Sex and nudity is a part of life and is natural.... Violence shouldn't be!


In our society, that is North American society, our thought process has been and is currently being influenced by others. The distaste that our society has with nudity is taught to us, we someone learned to believe that nudity is bad, that nudity and sex is the same thing and that violence is acceptable. As a nation, we are upside down in our values, values that have been taught to us.

I lived in Europe for a while and traveled around a bit and in some places I was first socked, then amused later I just accepted nudity as a fact of life. There is a unsaid code, when you go to the park, by all means, sun bath in the nude but on the way to the corner store, cover up. It all made sense over there, but here? We have hundreds of years of teaching that has to be unlearnt first.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
You've never heard about examples of Italian, French, English... men leering or grabbing at women in public? :rolleyes:


New member
Mar 21, 2005
TheNiteHwk said:
And my final question: Why is it that when ever there has been some sort of demo about women’s rights to go topless that the only women showing up to protest and bare all are those that no one would ever want to see them topless anyway?
It's a reminder to be careful what you wish for. Public morality codes have the disadvantage of preventing you from seeing what would make your eyes pop out of your head- but the distinct advantage of shielding your eyes from what would make you want to gouge them out :eek:


Mar 14, 2004
Svend said:
I haven't seen any topless bathing at all since the ruling. It's a shame women feel uncomfortable, even on the beach I see most are donning Tshirts and shorts instead of bikinis....
Next time, try putting the binoculars down.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
sweetsasha said:
What bothers me is; I heard this comment from a mother that really bothered me. She said, "that she rented the movie Friday the 13th for her 10yr old sons birthday party and said “no” to some other movie because it had nudity (a bare boob shot) in it"
Joke's on her. Some of the Friday the 13th sequels contain nudity.

As for me I can think of thousands of things worse than inappropriate nudity. Pro-Ana web sites. Email Spamming and unwelcome popups. Ziggy Lorenc. Fear Factor. Terry Schiavo's media circus. Disco revivals. Bjork. People who start sentences with "basically".

Who cares to add to the list?


Still Around
Apr 17, 2004
My SO and I used to seek out places along the bluffs that she could tan topless and we drive to the Nudist resorts to tan all a couple and with offspring in tow as a family. Nudity to them is nothing. I have seen a dozen or so women topless since the laws changed and all of them had guys oogling at them. Even at the bluffs guys would come and sit real close and stare..... we didn't really care but I see how many women are irritated by them......
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