Too funny :) Jizzed in my pants

So I saw this a while ago and I still really enjoy it and makes me giggle every freaking time LOL..... Its a SNL paradoy making fun of boy band's
Enjoy :eek:

oh wait here's another of my fav's too funny ;-P

funny doggie, silly guy
there is a few more of the dog man he kills me, I wish he was mine LOL
it would have scared the crap out of me the first time

I love kitties and I have a cat just like this. looks a bit like him too =P
dance evolution

LOL i shouldn't do this but this is a video of my kitty i'm a bit embaressed I filmed it from my phone in my nice big loft at night time so its very dark and I was with a friend but hes soooooo cute, crazy little guy

oh my i should go to bed soon i'm almost never up this late *giggles* naughty girl
my you tube channel is evilsexygamegirl and thats because i love video games my fav is EQ2
4 lvl 80's so far oh my that just made me sound like a neard

xoxoxoxox Crystal Sky
i'll post more funny stuff as I find it
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New member
Mar 6, 2009
lol thats hilarious. i wonder if they played it in a club how many posers would just keep dancing trying to look cool lol.

damn that chick from sopranos is hot as hell!!!
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