To Stop WW III Just Tell The Truth About Epicyte And GMO Corn.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
We really need to convince everyone in the world that America has been hijacked by absolutely insane men who will drive the whole world right off a cliff into certain destruction in order to stop World War III before it starts. That is easy to do if we tell them about Epicyte and GMO corn.

In 2001 Epicyte corporation of San Diego spliced a protein from infertile Mexican women into corn. This technology was sold to Monsanto and DuPont but could also have been spliced into wheat, soy, rice or any other GMO crop. These international corporations have run amuck and have even spliced the genes of a spider into salmon. They have said they will release this into the wild without any study as Monsanto’s lawyer said it would be safe.

That gene the Epicyte company spliced into corn makes men and women permanently sterile.
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