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To dye it or not to dye it, that is the question...


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Thought I'd throw this one out for some comments from the ladies:

As I gracefully move into early middle age I've been wondering to myself if I should battle against the grey hairs that have been cropping up with annoying frequency on my head, esp. around the temples. I ignored it at first, but they have been inceasing in number over the past 4 years.

I was at a salon picking up a date who was having something done to her hair a couple of years back, and a hair stylist came up to me in the waiting room and said "You need some colour!" I replied that I was quite happy with the brown hair colour God saw fit to give me, thanks just the same. He replied "Maybe it once was brown, but I'm seeing... a vision of greying ash". Gee, thanks Oscar Wilde, that made my night. So when my date came out and I paid her bill, I told her about Mr. Wilde and she said "Well, sure, it might make you look younger to go ahead and do it...I don't know". I declined to do anything about it.

I was looking in the mirror this morning (I good idea every few months or so for a guy to do haha) and I want to put this out for comment for the ladies on Terb: do you find guys who leave their slightly greying hair 'as is' to be more distinguished, or do you think guys who colour (dark colour) it look better/younger? My personal opinion is a spot of grey looks dignified, like dueling scars, but I'm wondering if there is a wave of feeling one way or the other here towards guys and greying hair from the fairer sex?

Thanks for any feedback.:cool:


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Amazon_woman said:
I like some grey in a man's hair. Especially if he has brown or dark brown hair to begin with.

(or if he actually HAS hair lol)


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Amazon_woman said:
Well I"m not big on facial hair to begin with. However, a lot of grey can be sexy too. :)

So the back hairs being grey is good?????


The Young Guy
Mar 16, 2008
I'm young, but when I turn 50, or when I grey, I know I'm going to be doing something about it.


It's been good to know ya
Personally I say it depends on how the guy is greying. I like grey flecks in a mans hair and find it to be quite lovely. Sometimes men dye thier hair black and it looks unnatural as to me some faces do look like they are supposed to have a bit of grey in thier hair. Now if some men have patches of grey hair coming in all one section I would recommend adding some black to those sections without totally being rid of all the grey. I remember the day a guy that had some grey in his hair amongst all his black hair showed up at my place with his hair totally dyed black and my feeling was like he had a black cloud cover his head. :( He felt so confident in it and me seeing that I said nothing.

That being said sometimes nature is unfair to men and sometimes it needs a bit of a boost. Then again sometimes doing something unnatural to your hair is not the answer. I guess there is women who like grey hair and some who do not, but is it not better to not have to hide who you are when you are still going to be accepted by many.

Last thing if it makes you feel better about yourself sometimes it is good to have added confidence and a renewed perspective of yourself and if it makes you feel good about yourself then just do what you feel is best. After all this is coming from a woman who likes dark hair with grey flecks and still likes a man with a bit of hair on his chest to rub her fingers through rather than those men who shave even thier chest hairs off thinking women like everywhere totally smooth. (Balls yes, chests no) lol


New member
May 24, 2007
St. Catharines, ON
To answer your question: I prefer men to go natural when it comes to hair colour.

It seems socially acceptable for a woman to have dyed hair, no matter how fake it appears. As for men their is always a snicker behind his back because it usually looks incredibly fake.

Or you can do the opposite: instead of colouring your hair you can tan your skin. Don't go every day, but perhaps once a week to create a healthy glow? Or even just a self tanner on the parts that people see? That seems to be a much more socially acceptable way for men to appear youthful. It alludes to "Wow, a mature yet very active man."

Just my 2 cents

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
wonderboy007 said:
I'm young, but when I turn 50, or when I grey, I know I'm going to be doing something about it.
Ha ha,

My hair was dark and started going grey by about 32 or 33. Just a strand or two at first, but slowly buy surely from there.

As far as the original poster is concerned, fuck it, it's not worth it. Dying your hair is going to be an ongoing chore. There's a guy I work with who has very salt and pepper hair, more salt than pepper. One day, he's got the hair of an 18 year old. Everybody in the office was giggling at him.

Do you want people snickering at you?


New member
Dec 26, 2006
Don't do it!!!

Ok, so I'm driving down Yonge St a few weeks ago and I see this man walking down the street with the most unusual shade of red hair ( almost purple really ) and I think I laughed for about 20 minutes. It was really unfortunate.. Don't dye your hair!!! If you do, for cripes sake, don't do it yourself!!:D



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
steph@vixens said:
Ok, so I'm driving down Yonge St a few weeks ago and I see this man walking down the street with the most unusual shade of red hair ( almost purple really ) and I think I laughed for about 20 minutes. It was really unfortunate.. Don't dye your hair!!! If you do, for cripes sake, don't do it yourself!!:D

Yeah, this applies to women as well as men. What I find most hilarious is when people dye their hair jet black. I mean, even mediterranean people who have black hair don't have totally black looks like a fricken wig.

Just remember: as someone said: once you dye it, it will be an ongoing chore because as soon as your natural colour starts growing back in, you'll have to dye it again.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
LOL @ landscaper...just want to warn all the young'uns on this site: be prepared, your hair WILL be going south.....I tell ya, if I could get all the hair to migrate back to where it is supposed to be I'd have a full head of hair again! lol


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
Huh...Sheik hasn't chimmed in yet? *runs*


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
Well then you can use grecian formula and control how much color you get, or natural instincts where you blend your color and it washes out over time....otherwise you'll look that guy on the tv commerial : Billy Mays (mighty putty) check how dark his beard and hair are it looks so fake........
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