Timmys gets more brother or sister companies!

Tim Horton's - Maybe now will have more in the U.S.?

My favorite late night spot Timmy's is being eaten up again, well only indirectly by Buffett. I know some folks don't like Timmy's, but it has been one of my late night places after my adult activities in Toronto area! Now it has some more brother/sister companies!

Heinz is buying Kraft foods to form the world's fifth largest food and beverage company.

Being done with $10 billion from Warren Buffett's company and Brazilian 3G Capital who owns Heinz.

Further down the food chain this includes:
Jell-O, Maxwell House coffee, Planters peanuts, Kool-Aid, Grey Poupon mustard, Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Trident Gum, Oreo cookies, Velvetta cheese, Oscar Mayer meats, etc., etc.

3G and Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway helped Burger King buy out Tim Hortons for $11.4 billion

From its base in Brazil, 3G has become a powerhouse in the world of food brands. The firm, which counts billionaire financier Jorge Paulo Lemann among its owners, has made daring moves for companies like Burger King and Tim Hortons.

Many in the deal community and in Brazil have speculated about when the acquisitive firm would seek out another big-name consumer brand. Previous rumors had centered on companies like Campbell Soup.

In the world of mergers and acquisitions, 3G has won acclaim for its prowess both in striking deals and in improving companies once it has bought them. The firm has a reputation for solid management and relentless cost-cutting. At Burger King, for example, the firm sold off the restaurant chain’s corporate jet and did away with an annual $1 million party in Italy.

Four months after Berkshire and 3G Capital’s takeover of Heinz, 11 of the top 12 Heinz executives were replaced. This was followed by a series of layoffs.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Their coffee has always, and will always suck, and their other fast food crap is a very unhealthy habit which will contribute to your early demise


New member
Apr 7, 2008
Mr. Harper and Mr. Trudeau say that Canadians will be far better off once the Federal government has finally succeeded in selling off All Canadian jobs to foreign companies. But maybe at that time ordinary Canadian citizens will get the last laugh when there is no Canadian tax dollars to pay for the MP's and bureaucrats salaries and gold plated pensions and the foreign owners of Canada negate all previously made deals with these people and strip them of their assets as they are currently stripping ordinary citizens of their's.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
i am hoping with the burger king acquisition of timmies that i can get a decent ice cap on my next visit to thailand
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