Timmie's Trouble


New member
Feb 12, 2007
Blown out of porportion, these places are constantly dealing with homeless people, day and night, seven days a week. If she wanted to buy her breakfast, go in and buy it herself and take it to her outside, end of controversy, no story.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Sounds like a misunderstanding to me. The woman wanted to do something for the homeless person. The homeless person had been identified as someone who caused problems when allowed inside. Instead of conveying this idea to the generous woman, the TH employee told her homeless people make a mess and expressed her displeasure with having the homeless person eat in the shop. The woman was right to question how the employee handled it. Tim Horton's was correct in apologizing to the woman as they did not communicate the reasons for wanting the homeless person removed. Minimum wage employees are often not real good at handling this sort of situation. The manager on duty should instruct staff that this kind of situation is his/her responsibility to deal with. It is the employee's responsibility to get coffee, donuts, smile and take the money.

TORONTO - A brouhaha over breakfast for a homeless woman has put Tim Hortons on the defensive again, the latest in a series of public-relations black eyes for the Canadian coffee giant.

Tim Horton's used to be a Canadian coffee giant. It is now owned by an American company - Wendy's.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
Questor said:
Tim Horton's used to be a Canadian coffee giant. It is now owned by an American company - Wendy's.
Wendy's sold their stake in Tim Horton's in late September 2006


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
The weather isn't that cold right now. It doesn't seem like a big deal.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Tim Hotons' should be more worried about the decline the quality of their Apple Fritters than the odd bum stinking the joint out.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
dcbogey said:
Wendy's sold their stake in Tim Horton's in late September 2006
Isn't that the other way around?
Timmies was bought by Wendy's years ago. It was highly profitable while Wendy's languished. Timmies was spun off into it's own corporate entity and Wendy's was sold.
It's all corporate foxtroting, but the result is that an American company kept a profitable business and ditched a loser. And the Hamilton cop that started Timmies is still the single largest shareholder in that company.
So the end result is that a Canadian took over an American company.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
anon1 said:
Isn't that the other way around?
Timmies was bought by Wendy's years ago. It was highly profitable while Wendy's languished. Timmies was spun off into it's own corporate entity and Wendy's was sold.
It's all corporate foxtroting, but the result is that an American company kept a profitable business and ditched a loser. And the Hamilton cop that started Timmies is still the single largest shareholder in that company.
So the end result is that a Canadian took over an American company.
Thanks for that additional information. With corporate mergers, its not always clear who owns whom. Depending on this Hamilton cop's stake in the company, I'm not sure that being the single largest shareholder in the company qualifies as taking it over though. Are you including institutional investors and mutual funds? A big public company like that attracts all kinds of those.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
The employees are $7/hr low wage immigrant workers paid to flip coffee and donuts people. They're not paid to be Canadian social workers.


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
then you wonder why the drive through is so popular.. i will remove any homess bum out of my store and if they cause me trouble i will call the police to escort then out... end of story...

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
tersey said:
Some part of government has dropped the ball and these businesses are doing their job for them. I guess it costs the govt. less money so they won't deal with the problem.

So you're one of those people who blame the government for everything. If something's wrong, it must be the government's fault because it certainly can't be YOUR fault. :rolleyes:

The simple fact of the matter is that most of the homeless people choose to be homeless. There are shelters readily available to them but they don't want to live there. So what's the government supposed to do, force them to live there? Then all the sucky babies like yourself would be whining that the big bad government is incarcerating the homeless.

For the case in point, I suspect a frustrated employee's emotion got the better of them when they saw some wannabe-do-gooder facilitating the very person who had been making trouble at that Tims in the past. Here's a question for you, who do you think called the press? Why the wannabe-do-gooder lawyer of course. Cuz she wanted her 15 minutes of fame.

It's all well and good to want to help someone, but when you're doing on the backs of others (in this case, the Tims staff) and are blissfully ignorant of that fact, shame on you. If the wannabe-do-gooder wants to help so much, why doesn't she go volunteer with a social agency that helps the homeless? Cuz that would involve real effort, and she just wanted to spend a pittance of cash and then be done with the homeless person. I say the cops drop the homeless guy off to live with her for a week and THEN we'll see how her viewpoint changes.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
Every time I've passed by that specific TH mentioned in the article in the off-hours, there are always "homeless" people in there so this could've been a problem person. If I was more paranoid I would find it suspicious that an Investment Manager brought this negative publicity to a public company. I just find it hard to make the connection from being scolded for buying something for a homeless person and calling up a news agency!?!? I don't think the average reasonable person would do this and I don't know what kind of idiot would feel the need to bring this to a news agency. Are we going to call up a news agency everytime someone says something politically incorrect?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
For that matter, what was politically incorrect?

I agree, this woman seems to be a media hound....and for the record: a business has the right to refuse service to anyone as long as it is not based on race. Just because you run an establishment that is open to the public at all hours doesn't mean you have to be a drop in centre.

I agree with Keeb, if this "do gooder" really wants to help, drive the homeless person over to her house and let her deal with them.

I find it funny how so many dump on people like the woman who made the comment. Let's remember this important fact: the staff member was hustling coffee for minimum wage while the homeless person was coasting along looking for freebies. I know I know their lives aren't that easy but those of us who work hard for our money should not be expected to support the freeloaders of the world.


Aug 4, 2002
Tim's definitely has the stupidest employees I have ever come across. I won't go there because I can stand to deal with such imbeciles.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Cornelius said:
Tim's definitely has the stupidest employees I have ever come across. I won't go there because I can stand to deal with such imbeciles.
Well, if they were rocket scientists wouldn't they be building rockets?

That ^^ is one of the most inane posts I've ever read......
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