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Ties to Ukrainian National a Unifying Theme in Early Attacks on Trump


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
While special counsel Robert Mueller has concluded there was no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, some of the key people in creating the Russia-collusion narrative themselves have ties to a foreign nation.

Both the Democratic National Committee as well as Fusion GPS—the company hired by the DNC and the Clinton campaign to research the Trump campaign—were using Ukrainian sources in their efforts to discredit Trump.

Serhiy Leshchenko, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, was a common thread involved in Democratic opposition research efforts into former Trump campaign Chairman Paul Manafort. Leshchenko, along with Artem Sytnyk, the director of Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau, was responsible for publicly disclosing the contents of the Ukrainian “black ledger,” which implicated Manafort, to the media.

Leshchenko also served as a source for various individuals, including journalist Michael Isikoff and DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa. In addition, Leshchenko served as a direct source of information for Fusion GPS—and their hired researcher—former CIA contractor Nellie Ohr.


Mar 26, 2018
Oh it gets even better. Oleg Deripaska a Russian Oligarch and close friend of Putin was giving DNC paid for Fusion GPS the information that was compiled in the Trump Russian Dossier. It was then passed on from Fusion GPS to Nellie Ohr who was also working for Fusion GPS at the time, who funneled that Russian dirt to her husband Bruce Ohr at the DOJ who then gave that information to the FBI. FBI then took that Russian paid for propanganda and lied to the secret FISA court claiming the information was 'vetted' &'verified' and failed to mention it was paid for by Hillary and the DNC and literally came from Russians which then allowed the FBI to secure the warrant to spy on Carter Page, Papa D et al; otherwise known as Trump Campaign. It didn't end there. They spied on Trump WHILE he was President too.


Wait til all that drips out!

Where's Mifsud? The guy who was sent to try and 'entrap' Papadopolous? Still hiding out in Italiy? I'm sure he's gonna get smoked out soon

Here's another article laying out the 'other' spies they had used to try and entrap Papa D.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Sounds like the DNC were doing the moral thing, investigating someone who is now in prison for exactly those issues.
As opposed to Trump, who instead of going to the FBI to report foreign hacking tried to make a deal for illegally hacked property.

Good moral comparison here, thanks.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Of course they were using Ukrainian sources to investigate Manafort- he had extensive business dealings in Ukraine. Who else would they talk to if they are going to investigate him?

Hardly the same thing as colluding with the Russian government to obtain stolen material from your opponent.

This thread is dumb.
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