Pickering Angels
Toronto Escorts

Tiara - Native Princess


New member
Mar 21, 2003
I had set up an appointment with her a month or so ago at a local hotel. Just asked for a quick b n g session which was received and enjoyed. Since she has moved to a location, I figured I would give a regular appointment a try.

I set up an appointment over text with her. She gave me the address to the apartment building and would give me the apt number when I texted her when I was getting to the building. No problem, I have been asked for this before.

I was about 5 minutes late and had texted her that I was running late, no problems. I get there and text her for the apt number. She is running late and needs another 5 minutes. So I wait. and wait. 10 minutes later she tells me that she is coming down to get me at the lobby. 5 minutes later I leave, after sending her a few more texts. A while later, she tells me that she gave me the wrong address on purpose "for security reasons" when I texted for the apt, she was going to give me the real address, but she forgot.

I wasted how much time and she did admit that she screwed up and would make things up to me. Not sure how. We would discuss.

Okay I appreciate that. Has happened a few times over the past years and the ladies have normally offered more time, less cash, etc for the screw up. So we text for the next 3 days, set up a couple of other appointments that she was supposed to confirm an hour before I leave, which she doesn't.

She is a reasonable attractive lady, but this bullshit in trying to set up an appointment is definitely not worth it.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2008
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New member
Jun 13, 2010
I saw her a couple weeks ago. The number she was using then was 0467. It was an outcall. I think it was 220. Nice young woman, I found her attractive. CBJ/DATY/MSOG/LFK. It was a pretty fun experience, she is ticklish, and very easy to arouse. I'd likely repeat.
Toronto Escorts