Thoughts about Bono & Martin's speeches


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
Sounds like Bono is going to stick it to Paul Martin if he doesn't live up to his promise of helping the Third World.

Tonight's speech by Martin sounded more like an election campaign speech than his acceptance as party leader.

Today's Canadian issues need to be addressed before we waste tax dollars on forgiving foreign debt and free drugs. Martin hasn't live up to his promise for a national housing program. Child poverty, education and healthcare for Canadians should be top priority and fixed before throwing away money to Third World countries where in rarely gets into the hands of the needy.


New member
Nov 21, 2001
pussylicker said:
Today's Canadian issues need to be addressed before we waste tax dollars on forgiving foreign debt and free drugs.
True...but it would be a lot cheaper if we weren't tracking the huge amounts of third world debt in the first place...and I think this was one of Bono's points.

I am not a Liberal...never have been...and I hope they are ousted in the next election, but this particular stance that Martin has helped Bono with is one I support.


The Doctor

Still Without Humour
Jun 2, 2003
1060 West Addision
pussylicker said:
Tonight's speech by Martin sounded more like an election campaign speech than his acceptance as party leader.
Well effectively it is his "I'm becoming the PM speech". He just doesn't have to go through all of that being elected by the people of Canada crap.


New member
Sep 16, 2003
Paul Martin

Martin's speach was inspiring, a proud night for Canadians.

His fiscally conservative approach with a social persepctive is just what we need.

He will be one of the best prime ministers ever, lets face it, the last 10 years of prosperity were under his watch .


New member
Jan 18, 2003
Unfortunately as anti Liberal Party as I am, he's the only guy I see that is worth leading this country in the fray. I don't like how the right is shaping up unfortunately, and well, the NDP is just the NDP, and the splinter parties don't have what it takes to put things together. They do what they are meant to do, raise issues that the bigs don't usually pay attention to. It would be great if there was a party not filled with idealogues that are unwilling to listen to what the populace wants. Instead they are forced to put their ideas and beliefs out there and hope they capture enough of the public to get the vote instead of forming policy from what the public truly wants. On the flip side, though, the general population is so apathetic, perhaps that wouldn't work either.

Hey, did I just argue both sides in the same breath? I'm not sure if I'm a winner or a l o s e r.........but I'm sure the rest of you will tell me which. My guess is you'll tell me the latter.


New member
Mar 31, 2002
Bono should stick to rehashing that old boring U2 sound, making millions, how bout making an album, tour? donating all the proceeds to your causes.... wait I feel a breeze,, oooh thats the wind coming from Bono's ass..........
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