Thought Crime Legislation in Saskatoon


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

A list of repeated and unprovoked behaviour that would be prohibited under a proposed City of Saskatoon anti-bullying bylaw:

Taunting, tormenting, name-calling, ridiculing, insulting, mocking, directing slurs toward another person.

Kicking, pushing, hair pulling, pinching

Shunning, ostracizing, excluding another person, gossiping or rumour mongering

Repeated gossiping in public about another person could soon become illegal in Saskatoon.

A proposed City of Saskatoon anti-bullying bylaw would also outlaw rumour-mongering, name-calling, taunting, mocking and ostracizing.

The law as written would apply to obvious public places like parks and streets, but also to private establishments like bars and restaurants.

Saskatoon city council asked city hall legal staff in February 2014 to draft a bylaw to address concerns about bullying. The final product will be considered by city council on Monday.

“I love it,” retired Saskatoon police Sgt. Brian Trainor said in an interview Thursday. “I think it’s an intermediary tool that the police can use instead of a slap on the wrist or doing nothing.”

The proposed bylaw would apply to people 12 years of age and older. Fines for a first offence could be as high as $300. Fines for subsequent offences could be as high as $2,500.

Shunning, ostracizing, excluding another person. freedom of association will become a crime


May 3, 2013

A list of repeated and unprovoked behaviour that would be prohibited under a proposed City of Saskatoon anti-bullying bylaw:

Taunting, tormenting, name-calling, ridiculing, insulting, mocking, directing slurs toward another person.

Kicking, pushing, hair pulling, pinching

Shunning, ostracizing, excluding another person, gossiping or rumour mongering

Repeated gossiping in public about another person could soon become illegal in Saskatoon.

A proposed City of Saskatoon anti-bullying bylaw would also outlaw rumour-mongering, name-calling, taunting, mocking and ostracizing.

The law as written would apply to obvious public places like parks and streets, but also to private establishments like bars and restaurants.

Saskatoon city council asked city hall legal staff in February 2014 to draft a bylaw to address concerns about bullying. The final product will be considered by city council on Monday.

“I love it,” retired Saskatoon police Sgt. Brian Trainor said in an interview Thursday. “I think it’s an intermediary tool that the police can use instead of a slap on the wrist or doing nothing.”

The proposed bylaw would apply to people 12 years of age and older. Fines for a first offence could be as high as $300. Fines for subsequent offences could be as high as $2,500.

Shunning, ostracizing, excluding another person. freedom of association will become a crime
So parents pay for kids being a**holes? how else would a 12 yr old get $300-$2500?
Kids lie all the time, how would you enforce this? or why harbour an environment that creates vindictive behaviour? I don't think this is a smart move or one that will lead to positive outcome.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts