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This question is buggin me big time..Help


New member
let me start off by saying I don't want to offend anyone , especially Sp.

If you know that a SP has some very serious health issues (Hep C, Aids ,etc)and they advertise in Local papers.
What is the proper thing to do.???
Especially when your afraid that one of their clients might be knockin on your door one day.
Where do you draw the line??Isn't it illegal for someone to work with such diseases??



New member
Aug 28, 2002
If you want to get really serious (and you will have to decide if you want to take these steps), you could call the police, provincial health department or the newspaper's classified section itself and ask them to remove the ad. People who have knowingly infected others with these diseases can be charged with assault, hence involving the police... but typically they involve cases of the infected person not using protection, and convincing others not to use it either. Also, I know that someone infected with HIV has to report to the provincial health department.

Taking these steps means exposing the other person and yourself to what may be a heck of a lot of inconvenience and accusations, so you need to be really careful and you need to be really sure of what you are doing. Now that I think about it, perhaps consulting a lawyer, doctor or social worker may not be a bad idea before you do what I suggest above. You could go to a hassle free clinic and get some advice from a worker there, or go to a local legal aid clinic to get some advice.


New member
Thanks for the link hunteroo1
Like I said ,this is a serious matter and its not a he said she said thing.
Aids and Hep c are not just a cold sore on your lip.
and it's not like customers only see 1 person , so this has been bothering me for a long time.

Thanks again,


New member
Jul 4, 2007
well with the above comment about usuing 2 condoms that is not a very good idea because of the friction both WILL rip and expose you to the harmful bodily fluid. Advice from (Nursing student and SP)


New member
Mar 7, 2005
monay said:
let me start off by saying I don't want to offend anyone , especially Sp.

If you know that a SP has some very serious health issues (Hep C, Aids ,etc)and they advertise in Local papers.
What is the proper thing to do.???
Especially when your afraid that one of their clients might be knockin on your door one day.
Where do you draw the line??Isn't it illegal for someone to work with such diseases??

hOW do you know for sure this person has a this health problem? were you able to read their medical records? is this your competition? what do you mean by might be knockin on your door? don't you take precautions to avoid such health issues yourself? are you a doctor? can you diagnose someone on the spot to be sure they are not infected with something? do you provide your clients with instant blood tests? yOU draw the line at the risks you are willing to take! Perhaps assume the worst all the time, it's all about your own comfort level. I don't think it's illegal to work with any such diseases as long as you are not putting your partner purposely at risk.

phew ok I am done :eek:


New member
No this isn't about competition at all.( I haven't worked for 3 years) it was a very serious question about should sp's with such illnesses be allowed to advertise.
And as far as concerns for the same clients its not for GFE or escort it's for Domination,so it wasn't so much a sexual concern but a concern for general safety.

And it is factual , this person has aids and hep c not to mention a 2 week stay at the hospital for MRSA.
I even mentioned to the person my concerns.
so like i said before it's not about he said/ she said it was a serious question.
I'm suprised no one really cares I guess that's why this person doesn't seem to think it's an issue.
Call the local Health Department. End of story. Knowingly transmitting a communicable disease is against the law.
If the DOM work allows for bodily fluid contact (predominantly blood but can be saliva) with cuts/abrasions or mucous membranes there is a chance of transmission.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
ask yourself would it be okay if a large majority of the population had a disease and people just shut their mouth and didn't do anything about it?


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
monay said:
let me start off by saying I don't want to offend anyone , especially Sp.

If you know that a SP has some very serious health issues (Hep C, Aids ,etc)and they advertise in Local papers.
What is the proper thing to do.???
Especially when your afraid that one of their clients might be knockin on your door one day.
Where do you draw the line??Isn't it illegal for someone to work with such diseases??

Yes it is against the law to knowingly pass on such diseases as AIDS as for HepA,B,C, , any of the STDs or TB I am not sure, but I would assume they would do some type of media blitz to get that persons pic out to let people know to go get checked.


Buff and I got's da stuff
Aug 16, 2003
monay said:
let me start off by saying I don't want to offend anyone , especially Sp.

If you know that a SP has some very serious health issues (Hep C, Aids ,etc)and they advertise in Local papers.
What is the proper thing to do.???
Especially when your afraid that one of their clients might be knockin on your door one day.
Where do you draw the line??Isn't it illegal for someone to work with such diseases??

How about not taking her old clients.


New member
do Sp's ask every client if they seen this one or that one..I don't ,,and let's face it how many times have you heard this is my first experience an you know it's a lie, however you do bring up a good point .
Ask the client if they've seen other Domme's.
So what do you say when he says "yes",his seen the person i'm talking about,Tell him he better get checked if he swapped spit or bleed durin an appointment.
Anyways due to all this ...I've decided not to work in the areas where I know this person is.
I don't want to say who it is in here because even though I don;t agree with them working ,I wouldn't want someone to hurt them .
I just figured I'd ask a question that was bothering me, and hopefully Sp's and clients will not take it for granted that every encounter is a safe an clean one.


Jan 31, 2005
Fabulous said:
I don't think it's illegal to work with any such diseases as long as you are not putting your partner purposely at risk.
It is illegal if you don't inform the partner. If an SP who has one of these diseases is making it clear to all of her clients that she has it, then I guess that's legal. I suspect she wouldn't have any customers, though.

If she is not informing her customer that is not only deeply immoral, it is a criminal matter too. People with HIV or HepC or similar diseases HAVE to tell any potential sexual partner about their condition before engaging in any sexual contact. If they do that, and everyone consents, it's a free country and people can choose to put themselves in harm's way if they want to.


Jan 31, 2005
monay said:
do Sp's ask every client if they seen this one or that one..I don't
It would be wrong, and pointless, to do that. Some clients just won't tell you. Those who do will want to know why, at which point you are verging on slandering the other SP.

You are right to be concerned and I think you have a duty to do something about it--discretely. Contact the authorities.

If you really do have solid proof you might bring it privately to the moderators and if they judge your story is sound enough perhaps they will post a public health warning.

What you should NOT do is post her name here--you may know that you have solid proof, but none of the rest of us are in any position to know whether or not you do. The risk is someone would say this sort of thing about an innocent person like you, so it's important to handle the matter discretely.
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