This Lady Understands!!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Won't get much action

She never bashed Bush


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
mine was a pitty post

well that and hoping to trap a bear


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Middle East Media Research Institute

A-ROD did you just uploaded the memri's link to a different server

Here are the minds and money working behind the above link:

Middle East Media Research Institute
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Middle East Media Research Institute, abbreviated MEMRI (Hebrew name המכון לחקר התקשורת המזרח התיכון, abbreviated ממר"י) is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization located in Washington DC, with branch offices in Jerusalem, Berlin, Brussels, Moscow, and London, and a Media Center in Jerusalem. MEMRI provides translations of Arabic, Farsi, and Hebrew media as well as original analyses of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends in the Middle East.

MEMRI was founded in February 1998 by its president Yigal Carmon (יגאל כרמון) a retired colonel in Israeli military intelligence, and the academic Dr. Meyrav Wurmser. The organisation became more prominent after the September 11, 2001 attacks, due to increased Western public interest in Arab and Iranian affairs. At that time, it expanded its staff considerably, setting up new branches abroad in early 2002. More growth was experienced during the Iraq war, as media activity increased in that area.

MEMRI It is one of the few free sources of English language translations of material published in Arabic and Persian. It is regularly quoted by major American newspapers, including The New York Times, The New Yorker (magazine), the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and European ones including The Guardian and Irish Times. The organization has supporters and detractors in the international press; its critics typically accuse it of misleading selectivity.

Staff backgrounds

At the time of MEMRI's founding in 1998, some of its higher-ranking staff were as follows:

Col. (Res.) Yigal Carmon is MEMRI's President. He served in the IDF/Intelligence Branch from 1968 to 1988. From 1977 to 1982 he was the Acting Head of Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria and the Advisor on Arab Affairs to the Civil Administration. Following Col. Carmon's retirement from the IDF he was Advisor to Premiers Shamir and Rabin for Countering Terrorism from 1988 to 1993. In 1991 and 1992 he was a senior member of the Israeli Delegation to peace negotiations with Syria in Madrid and Washington.

Dr. Meyrav Wurmser is MEMRI's Executive Director. She received her Ph.D. from George Washington University in Washington, D.C. where she wrote on Jabotinsky and the Revisionist Movement. She has taught at Johns Hopkins University and the United States Naval Academy. She has written numerous articles about Israel, the Arab World, and Zionism. Her most recent article on the status of women in the Palestinian Authority was published in Middle East Insight. She is also a "Contributing Expert" for The Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR) which was "...established in 1997 as a non-profit, non-partisan organization, committed to stimulating and informing the national and international debates concerning all aspects of security policy - notably those policies which are an outcome of the political process started in Oslo and subsequently called the Peace Process."[5]

Aaron Mannes is MEMRI's Director of Research. In 1997, he earned an MA in Liberal Arts from St. John's College in Annapolis, MD. His undergraduate degree, earned in 1992 from Emerson College in Boston, is a BS in Speech. He has been a stand-up comedian, an Equal Employment Opportunity Investigator, and an Associate Writer for The Hotline.

Yotam Feldner is MEMRI's Director of Media Analysis. He was born in Kibbutz Gazit, Israel and served in the IDF in Military Intelligence where he acquired fluency in Arabic and familiarity with Arab media. He earned a BA in History and English Language and Literature from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Aluma Solnick is a Research Associate with MEMRI. She was born in Jerusalem and served in the IDF in Military Intelligence. She earned a BA in Arabic Language and the History of the Middle East from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She is presently completing her MA in Arab Language and Literature from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli is described by the Middle East Review of International Affairs (September 2003) as having "...received his Ph.D. in development planning from the University of Michigan. He has spent most of his professional career at the World Bank. Since his retirement from the bank, he has served as an occasional consultant to both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Dr. Raphaeli joined the Middle Media Research Institute (MEMRI)as a senior analyst in 2001."[6]

Prof. Menahem Milson (Academic Advisor), a professor at Hebrew University, is described by the World Jewish Congress as follows: "Menahem Milson is a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and has been teaching Arabic literature there since 1963. He has also served as head of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature and as Dean of the Faculty of Humanities. Professor Milson is the academic adviser of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). He has published extensively on modern Egyptian writers. His book on Egypt's great humanist, Najib Mahfuz - Najib Mahfuz: The Novelist-Philosopher of Cairo - appeared in 1998."


MEMRI says that it is funded exclusively by private money from some 250 donors, including various foundations. Notable among these is the Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation, which has donated at least $100,000 dollars[7]. The Harold Grinspoon Foundation notes in its 2005 annual report that it provides funding to MEMRI to support Israel advocacy. [8] And the Koret Foundation, in its spring 2005 quarterly report, notes that it gave $20,000 to MEMRI to support Israel advocacy and education. [9] Smaller funders include the Ronald & Mary Ann Lachman Foundation, which has donated a total of $7,500.[10]

According to GuideStar, a national database of nonprofit organizations, the US branch's total yearly revenue in gifts, grants, and contributions has increased from $506,948 in 1999, to $1,746,393 in 2002, including a jump of almost a million dollars in the fiscal year (July 1 2001 to June 30 2002) of the 9/11 attacks on the United States.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
So what scroll99???? The woman spewing her opinion (and rightly so) is an Arab who's probabyl sick and tired of all the Muslim bullshit.

So what if MEMRI is Jewish owned, what does that have to do with the fact its an Al-Jazeera clip????

BTW, I saw the whole clip, this is a very brave woman, no doubt some extremist fvck has her in his little crosshairs by now.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Esco! said:
So what if MEMRI is Jewish owned, what does that have to do with the fact its an Al-Jazeera clip????

I don't have a problem if its Jewish owned. People do see a problem if Military intelligence agencies start running worldwide media organisations.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
scroll99 said:
I don't have a problem if its Jewish owned. People do see a problem if Military intelligence agencies start running worldwide media organisations.
Read your own post, all the people were in the military.

In case you didnt know almost all Israeli's are conscripted into the army at age 16, this is in their constitution.
Again, what does this have to do with the clip????? The woman in the clip is an Arab and she speaks the truth, all MEMRI is doing is providing a real video of a real interview. Thats all!!

BTW Wikipedia is known to contain serious errors


Dec 19, 2005
Esco! said:
Read your own post, all the people were in the military.

In case you didnt know almost all Israeli's are conscripted into the army at age 16, this is in their constitution.
Again, what does this have to do with the clip????? The woman in the clip is an Arab and she speaks the truth, all MEMRI is doing is providing a real video of a real interview. Thats all!!

BTW Wikipedia is known to contain serious errors
Don't you love the smell of Islamo lunacy in the morning?


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
sparty86 said:
Don't you love the smell of Islamo lunacy in the morning?
I didnt know Scroll is a Muslim, and not that it matters cause I dont hate Muslims.

But why o why cant they see the truth for what it is, they are stuck in some middle-age religion, stuck for the most part with Totalitarian governments, they have contributed little to the world as far as inventions and Nobel prizes are concerned ,and they are IMO overwhelmed with jealousy for the West.

If my people (British) started bombing other nations out of jealousy I'd be terribly emberrassed, outraged and sick to my stomach!!


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
DonQuixote said:
They may cut off heads. We just nuke 'em.
No bloody hands. Just fused glass from
horizon to horizon. Much more civil, eh!
Don, aside from WW2 Japan, when's the last time the West nuked anyone????


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Esco! said:
I didnt know Scroll is a Muslim, and not that it matters cause I dont hate Muslims.

But why o why cant they see the truth for what it is, they are stuck in some middle-age religion, stuck for the most part with Totalitarian governments, they have contributed little to the world as far as inventions and Nobel prizes are concerned ,and they are IMO overwhelmed with jealousy for the West.

If my people (British) started bombing other nations out of jealousy I'd be terribly emberrassed, outraged and sick to my stomach!!
you know what you'll keep ranting with Islamophobian and close minded mentality and others will keep going back to correct you even after so many thousands of posts your mentality will not change . but anyways your above post is so misguided and wrong and thats its not even worth spending time to reply it.

Just to open up your mind may be you spend some time on this non-religious and non-political British educational project.

A unique UK based educational project that reveals the rich heritage that the Muslim community share with other communities in the UK and Europe.

1001 Inventions is a non-religious and non-political project seeking to allow the positive aspects of progress in science and technology to act as a bridge in understanding the interdependence of communities throughout human history.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Why 1001 Inventions Project?

Muslims were the global pioneers of science and technology for more than a thousand years. These pioneers were faith-inspired people who pursued knowledge for the good of all mankind.

Few people are aware how well-known inventions which helped to pave the way towards the progress of modern civilisation were deeply rooted in Muslim civilisation, from soap-making to surgical procedures.

The 1001 Inventions exhibition will identify and showcase an array of historical Muslim inventions that have directly moulded our modern world and can be still be found within our homes, schools, market places, hospitals and towns.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Sight savers

Sight savers
December 21, 2005

Did you know the first operation to remove cataracts was carried out as early as the 10th century Iraq. Muslims also established the first apothecary shops and dispensaries, founded the first medieval school of pharmacy, and wrote great treatises on pharmacology.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Al-Razi, or Rhazes

[b. Rhages (Iran), c. 845, d. Rhages, 930]

Al-Razi was one of the most important physicians of medieval times. He compiled a vast multivolume encyclopedia that included all medical knowledge of the time, including work handed down from Galen and other ancient Greeks. He was aware of the psychological aspects of health and of the relationship between nutrition and health. He was the first to use opium as an anesthetic, plaster of Paris for casts, and animal guts for sutures.

Rhazes (rā'zēz) or Rasis (rā'sĭs,–zĭs) , 860–932, Persian physician. He was chief physician at the Baghdad hospital. An observant clinician, he formulated the first known description of smallpox as distinguished from measles in a work known as Liber de pestilentia (tr. A Treatise on Smallpox and Measles, 1848). His works were widely circulated in Arabic, and Greek versions and were published in Latin in the 15th cent. They include a textbook of medicine called Almansor and an encyclopedia of medicine compiled posthumously from his papers and known as Liber continens.

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