Royal Spa

This is Wonderland


New member
Aug 31, 2003
Another CBC legal comedy/drama about courthouse antics at Old City Hall, Toronto.

The show premiered last monday and on every mondays at 9 pm.

Apparently each show cost 1 million dollars.

Anyone care to share thir own courtstories ?


Active member
May 25, 2002
I have a court story, in my younger days I was called to testify in an attempted fraud case.

I had investigated issue and prepared the case, then turn over the information to the police and crown.

I am not a good public speaker and never was and never will be so I was terrified in court.

The defence attorney attempted to undermine my credability by asking the same question in a variety of ways. eg What is your name, What are you called, What is the name on your drivers' license, many variations on the theme.

I realized what he was doing and after a few minutes I lost the point of the question. I was firmly convinced that I was necessary to repeat the same answer exactly. Looking back I'm sure it was quit hilarious from the point of view of an onlooker.

Finaly the judge asked the defence I understood him 5 minutes ago what is your problem.

Bye the way in the end the defence tripped me up on one point that called for quick action from the crown to correct.

Several months later, was in a taxi that was involved in a hit and run, again I was called to testify for the crown. Guess who was the defence?

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
I watched this for a few minutes last night, it hurt my brain so much that I had to switch over to The National. To bad CSI-Miami was a repeat!



New member
Aug 31, 2003
there are 14 episodes they have in the can but it is queestionable whether any Canadian series can last more than a couple of years without major funding from the government.

The Associates was not bad in its first year and was successful but they opted to change the format and stories lines much to its detriment and hence lost all the vieweres they gained the first year.


Sr. Member
Jun 19, 2002
For what it's worth, I thought the Wonderfland show - two episodes so far - is one of the best things the CBC has done for a long time.

Yes, it's funny - but it's also a savage indictment of the court system in Toronto. Heaven help any of us who get caught up in that zoo down at Old City Hall!

Gord's Bro

Muddy said:
For what it's worth, I thought the Wonderfland show - two episodes so far - is one of the best things the CBC has done for a long time.

Yes, it's funny - but it's also a savage indictment of the court system in Toronto. Heaven help any of us who get caught up in that zoo down at Old City Hall!
Couldn't agree more Muddy.

My own experience was in my previous life as a reporter for a small town daily newspaper in southwestern Ontario. My co-worker and I decided we'd do an in-depth feature on the classy new band playing the local watering hole. (They were called the Booby Trap and okay, okay they were topless -- but they did do a salvageable CCR cover.)

About 2 a.m. we pulled out of the parking lot -- he at the wheel, me toooo drunk to try to drive. Whipped around corner, slammed into a parking meter and looked up into the eyes of a local constable awaiting dimwits like us.

Of we go the court to face the local lush (er, judge) on charges of speeding or something (cop was pretty good on the charge since my co-worker was actually too young to even be in the bar!!!). The key moment came when I presented the judge with a photo of the band, and he threw the case out noting "there is evidence that these two gentlemen were here on this historic occasion . . ."
. . . as if the band was our reason for reckless driving.

Footnote (or maybe I should say boobnote!!!) . .

I was in Toronto a couple of weeks later and went to catch the band playing a the Town Tavern. Showed up on a Thursday of weeklong engagement and was told they'd been fired on the Tuesday.

Guess one man's breast is not another's best . . .

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts