Royal Spa

This is pathetic


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
What's really pathetic...

While I concur that it's pathetic that this guy was 'cruising' with a baby in his car… that is not what IMO is REALLY pathetic.

What is really pathetic is that this situation first of all should not exist at all to begin with. Second it has not been fixed. They will all (the SWs and the dealers) move to another area till the 'heat' is off then come back. This 'cycle' has been going on for decades.

Now what happens? All the johns will have to go to ‘john school’ where they will be taught that cruising for SWs is a ‘high risk activity’. Like most don’t know that already… duh. Since there now has been a press release the traffic will die down a bit (for awhile) and like I said… move up to Bloor St. Big deal. The heat will be turned up on Bloor St and they will head south again.

I know for some that it sounds too simplistic… but IMO what we really needs is lots more long term treatment programs for the addicted SWs. And more long term incarceration for the parasite dealers.

When will the government and health care system get the point? Forget the human factor (for now). Most addicts I know are ‘high performers’. When they do get straight and stay straight they are often very successful and will pay back 10 fold that what was spent on them both in taxes and just in general spending.

Attacking the johns is only a temporary bandage on the wrong part of the wound. It’s like just putting a bandage on the ‘outside’ of the wound. We need to get right inside the wound and attack the disease itself.
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