this is fucking cool!!


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008

And to believe I just got a Go-Pro!

Hello next level!

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
There will be laws regulating these devices soon. Imagine a terrorist flying a drone into a jet engine intake, or on to a path of a train. transport truck or bus? Even flying one to crash into the AC intake vent of a building where an important conference is held will cause concern, expense and delay. The act of terrorism is making people believe the possibility of a poisonous substance has been delivered without even having delivered it.

Amazon and Pizza Hut have previously announced that they may one day deliver packages and pizza by drone. I believe that this is all to get them some free publicity knowing that the logistics, expense and liability would make it impossible.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
There will be laws regulating these devices soon. Imagine a terrorist flying a drone into a jet engine intake, or on to a path of a train. transport truck or bus? Even flying one to crash into the AC intake vent of a building where an important conference is held will cause concern, expense and delay. The act of terrorism is making people believe the possibility of a poisonous substance has been delivered without even having delivered it.

Amazon and Pizza Hut have previously announced that they may one day deliver packages and pizza by drone. I believe that this is all to get them some free publicity knowing that the logistics, expense and liability would make it impossible.
While, I agree with most of what you said, you are out to lunch with your impossible statement. Amazon does not need the publicity, they are killing it and other box stores in the process. The solution to drone delivery is trivial. They could approve zones where drones are allowed to operate, maybe rural first, maybe require pilots to oversee their operations, however statement such as impossible is just well let's just stop at just...


Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
All is hypothetical at this time concerning deliveries by drone. Even when logistics, expense and liability are reduced or solved there is still the terrorism aspect. The fines for illegal drone use are now just starting and regulation will increase.

Check the Google search on : Done operators fined.
No different that guns or cars for that matter. There will be licensed operators for drones just like registered owners for guns, and licensed drivers for cars.

I can see it now: "Drones don't kill people, bad people with drones do!"
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