This is embarassing but: anyone ever been to Men's Dr's Clinic?


New member
Oct 1, 2002
Now i know this is embarassing and most guys will NEVER admit to this..

however, I am going to the Men's Clinic tomorrow. For some reason or another, I have had problems when it comes to maintaining an errection just before sex. The thing is, I am a young guy.. early 30's.. , am fit and don't smoke or do drugs or drink heavily.. I don't think i do anything obvious that would contribute to this happening.

However, it happens and right before penetration. Is this a psychological problem? I don't know.. that's why i am going.. to see if this in fact .. all in my head.. hopefully it is..

The reason i am posting on here is to see if anybody on here has had this problem before and if they know what the magical cure is? Also if anybody has been to the Mens Drs Clinic and have had their problem resolved after visiting the Dr's there. The thing is, this "problem" of mine, has happened several times to my shgrin and embarassment. Now every time i go to have sex, the thought of succumbing to the pressure is in my head.. it is hard for me not to think of it... no matter how much i try to relax..,. and not think of it. It just happens time and time again. Wondering if any guys can relate? or have a solution? I am thinking of taking HERO tabs or CIALIS or something and testing it out to see if it works.. i'm desperate.. I don't have problems when i masturbate and even wake up with woodies.. i don't think i have an errectile dysfunction... because clearly i do have them. it's the timing of it that kills me..


Feb 23, 2005
not to worry

There is nothing to embarrassing asking question at Terb, that’s what TERB lounge section for right ? .

About few years ago I had incident at work by dumb employer. So I had to go to men’s dr’s clinic. There is not thing to worry about I have been to Men's Dr's Clinic and they have helped me out. I have been very good after seeing them. Doctors and Nurses are very helpful there; now only time I go there for AIDS and STD check up because they do that free.

If you need any more information feel free to pm me,

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Don't worry

I read somewhere, (don't ask me to find it though) that 80%-90% of men have some sort of sexual dysfunction at some point in their lives. I would speculate that if you are able to maintain an erection while masturbating, that the problem is psychological...

Regardless, good for you going to see a doctor. Too many men here whine about the problems they have, asking for all sorts of advice but do nothing about it.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
allqt - I have almost the same problem you have though I am a bit older (later 30's). I have trouble maintaining an erection at times. But I have no probems with masturbation. It might be psychological. Or perhaps I got too into watching porn than the real thing. In any case I saw my doc and got a perscription for some viagra. Was thinking of going to the Men's Clinic first but they are too expensive IMHO.

Good luck!


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
do you sit in your ass all day.... hardly work out/play sports? Try running, it will help with your kegel muscles


Oct 30, 2004
LKD said:
do you sit in your ass all day.... hardly work out/play sports? Try running, it will help with your kegel muscles
He said he was fit, early 30's. Probably doesn't sit on his ass all day.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
go learn the art of tantric sex... you'll be able to go all night and have multiple orgasms. I just think its from watching too much porn, jerking off and thinking about sex too much... You brain has become immune to what previously turned you on... need to re-wire that head of yours


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
allqt said:
Now i know this is embarassing and most guys will NEVER admit to this..

however, I am going to the Men's Clinic tomorrow. For some reason or another, I have had problems when it comes to maintaining an errection just before sex. The thing is, I am a young guy.. early 30's.. , am fit and don't smoke or do drugs or drink heavily.. I don't think i do anything obvious that would contribute to this happening.

However, it happens and right before penetration. Is this a psychological problem? I don't know.. that's why i am going.. to see if this in fact .. all in my head.. hopefully it is..

The reason i am posting on here is to see if anybody on here has had this problem before and if they know what the magical cure is? Also if anybody has been to the Mens Drs Clinic and have had their problem resolved after visiting the Dr's there. The thing is, this "problem" of mine, has happened several times to my shgrin and embarassment. Now every time i go to have sex, the thought of succumbing to the pressure is in my head.. it is hard for me not to think of it... no matter how much i try to relax..,. and not think of it. It just happens time and time again. Wondering if any guys can relate? or have a solution? I am thinking of taking HERO tabs or CIALIS or something and testing it out to see if it works.. i'm desperate.. I don't have problems when i masturbate and even wake up with woodies.. i don't think i have an errectile dysfunction... because clearly i do have them. it's the timing of it that kills me..

Obviously you are gay. The only way you'll get an erection before sex with a woman is to stretch out your cock and tape it to a tongue depressor. Sorry to break the news.



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Don said:
allqt - I have almost the same problem you have though I am a bit older (later 30's). I have trouble maintaining an erection at times. But I have no probems with masturbation. It might be psychological. Or perhaps I got too into watching porn than the real thing. In any case I saw my doc and got a perscription for some viagra. Was thinking of going to the Men's Clinic first but they are too expensive IMHO.
The Mens clinic is covered by OHIP.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
danmand said:
The Mens clinic is covered by OHIP.
ED can be caused by many factors, psychological, physical, diet, and one very common cause is that us guys often become too addicted to masterbation. If we watch porn, and do the laundry by hand too much it can cause problems during sex.

The magic cure is an ED drug and there's tons of threads on that subject here with all you ever wanted to know about the topic, side effects from the various drugs etc.

Just on The Edge yesterday Dr Sex was on and there were guys who a) couldn't get it up, b) get it up but not pop c) pop too soon, all sorts of things. The age of being embarassed about this topic is long gone.......

BTW: I have a problem when I'm having sex with someone I'm not emotionally involved with.....when I'm with someone I'm involved with? I could drive 6" spikes into hard maple lol......


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7

I think you are doing the right thing by going to the Men's Clinic.

It sure beats listening to the "Dr Phils" here who, never having met you, diagnose you as being an unfit porn addict. :rolleyes:

What do you have to lose except perhaps some initial embarrassment when you open the door. Let us know if they set you up with a "therapist".
I suspect they will check your health to make sure there is nothing physically wrong then deal with the mental side of it.

Just be honest and forthright , it's nothing they haven't heard a million times before.
May 22, 2008
well from my experience, i had a problem for a while and i could never stay hard on a bj and from time to time even during sex. and i knew it was not because i couldn't but it was because i couldnt stay hard during a bj and i would always think about it and get scared not to disappoint my partner. eventually i had to battle it out and get focussed and over time i'm fine. i would say im like 90%- 95% good now from what use to be a guarenteed fail on bj.

my question is. when u jerk off on your own, do you have this problem? if not, most likely its ur brain and u just need to stop thinking about anything other than sex. easier said than done though. brains can be tricky.

good luck!


New member
Apr 11, 2005

I do not mean to scare you but your condition could indicate a blockage in an artery. I have heard of this situation before.

How is you cardiovascular fitness? Have you had a stress ECG? When was the last time you have a complete physical?

The point I am trying to make is that your condition may not be a "psychological" one and could be a medical one.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
allqt said:
Now i know this is embarassing and most guys will NEVER admit to this..

however, I am going to the Men's Clinic tomorrow.
Good luck. You are doing the right thing in seeing a physician.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
train said:

I think you are doing the right thing by going to the Men's Clinic.

It sure beats listening to the "Dr Phils" here who, never having met you, diagnose you as being an unfit porn addict. :rolleyes:

What do you have to lose except perhaps some initial embarrassment when you open the door. Let us know if they set you up with a "therapist".
I suspect they will check your health to make sure there is nothing physically wrong then deal with the mental side of it.

Just be honest and forthright , it's nothing they haven't heard a million times before.
No one said he was an unfit porn addict, he brought the subject up and we've all just been asking questions to determine what the issue could be.

Since this is an open forum, and he was basically asking for advice, we're just discussing the topic he posted......


New member
Jan 19, 2006
If you are worried do I have "Mongolian Jungle Rot," TERB can probably give you some mental health until see your physican. However, as to diagnosing what your difficulty actually is. . .

It is always sound advice to first phone to make an appointment with your physician, then post on TERB.

I know this is all common sense.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
jwmorrice said:
Obviously you are gay. The only way you'll get an erection before sex with a woman is to stretch out your cock and tape it to a tongue depressor. Sorry to break the news.



New member
Sep 25, 2006
go see a regular GP. Do not pay the Mens Clinic Fee. they do not offer anything that you cannot get from your dr or a urologist. The only thing that they have is better marketing b'cuz they continue to sucker guys into paying them the extra fee.
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