La Villa Spa



New member
Apr 29, 2002
right here
I used to have a pair of leather, insulated winter boots that seemed perfect for what I used them for: hunting, shoveling snow, wearing to work, and walking in the woods and the park in the winter. While they got cold if I stood for a while (an hour or so) they did not get too hot if I had to wear them while inside the car, riding the bus, or siting in a lodge.

My problem? I'm not sure what insulation level they were- 200 or 400. Any one have any experience or knowledge on this?

I have found a 3M website suggesting levels of insultation for various uses, but it is difficult to say whether 200 or 400 would be best for me. The pair I am interested in is at an internet site and I can't try them on w/out having them sent to me.

Thanks in advance.

BTW, I don't hunt anymore and would not need them for that. But, I will still like walking in the woods.

Ben Hogan

New member
Aug 31, 2004
try email customer service at 3M.

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
Ben Hogan said:
try email customer service at 3M.
It is pointless to contact 3M.

They make the insulation, but they could care less how much is used in boots.

Contact the manufacturer of your boots.
To make it easy, Sorel & Columbia rate their boots by temp., subject to casual stroll or heavy activity for comfort factor.

Here's Sorel's site, (maker of some of the warmest boots)

Thin 200g is rated to -32c while
Thin 400g is rated to -40c.

If you suffer from cold hand & feet go for the higher thinsulate factor since this is for light duty, unless you have sweaty feet.

Check out if you're ordering online.

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
I found that 200 grams of thinsulate is best if your hopping in and out of your car. A good place to get your boots are from The Bass Pro Shops or from Cabelas ) find them on the net. I bought the plain ones that look like construction boots for about $100 CDN ( tax and duty included )
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