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Things you might have wanted to know but could never ask ...


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
Urinal etiquette ...

If there's more than 2 urinals, and only one other guy is there, do you go right beside him or do you at least make sure there is an empty one between you?
And if there's nobody there, do you go to the far left or right or go right in the middle?

And ...
anybody ever had toilet paper disintegrate on you after taking a dump?

Anything else?

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I always go to the furthest one from the stalls, as there is always a fat guy making horrid disgusting noises in the stalls and you know that the speed of smell travels just slightly slower than the speed of sound. What has reached your ears will quickly reach your nostrils.


Well-known member
How many courtesy flushes is required when using a friends bathroom?
When things arent going well in your nether regions do you courtesy flush in a public toilet..especially when you saw eachother go in?


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
I always go to the furthest one from the stalls, as there is always a fat guy making horrid disgusting noises in the stalls and you know that the speed of smell travels just slightly slower than the speed of sound. What has reached your ears will quickly reach your nostrils.
How do you know it's a fat guy in the stall, looking over the top again?


New member
Oct 26, 2016
Go in if there is anyone in the bathroom, no matter how many stalls or urinals you grab yourself, do a little dance, moan, and say "I have to go I have to go I have to go" quickly leave go back to your car, piss yourself and cry.

If on the other hand no one is there promptly piss in the sink, wash your hands in the urinal, pick excess food out of your teeth and go back to your car and have a good cry.

I hope this answers your questions to your satisfaction.
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