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The worse of all the USA presidents

Is the president George W. Bush Jr, worse than ...

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New member
Jun 29, 2003
Here some eye opening statements from historians in referance to GWB;

REAGAN: “I think the presidency of George W. Bush has been generally a failure and I consider his presidency so far to have been the most disastrous since that of Ronald Reagan--because of the unconscionable military aggression and spending (especially the Iraq War), the damage done to the welfare of the poor while the corporate rich get richer, and the backwards religious fundamentalism permeating this administration. I strongly disliked and distrusted Reagan and think that George W. is even worse.”

NIXON: “Actually, I think [Bush’s] presidency may exceed the disaster that was Nixon. He has systematically lied to the American public about almost every policy that his administration promotes.” Bush uses “doublespeak” to “dress up policies that condone or aid attacks by polluters and exploiters of the environment . . . with names like the ‘Forest Restoration Act’ (which encourages the cutting down of forests).”

HOOVER: “I would say GW is our worst president since Herbert Hoover. He is moving to bankrupt the federal government on the eve of the retirement of the baby boom generation, and he has brought America’s reputation in the world to its lowest point in the entire history of the United States.”

COOLIDGE: “I think his presidency has been an unmitigated disaster for the environment, for international relations, for health care, and for working Americans. He’s on a par with Coolidge!”

HARDING: “Oil, money and politics again combine in ways not flattering to the integrity of the office. Both men also have a tendency to mangle the English language yet get their points across to ordinary Americans. [Yet] the comparison does Harding something of a disservice.”

McKINLEY: “Bush is perhaps the first president [since McKinley] to be entirely in the ‘hip pocket’ of big business, engage in major external conquest for reasons other than national security, AND be the puppet of his political *******. McKinley had Mark Hanna; Bush has Karl Rove. No wonder McKinley is Rove’s favorite historical president (precedent?).”

GRANT: “He ranks with U.S. Grant as the worst. His oil interests and Cheney’s corporate Haliburton contracts smack of the same corruption found under Grant.”
“While Grant did serve in the army (more than once), Bush went AWOL from the National Guard. That means that Grant is automatically more honest than Bush, since Grant did not send people into places that he himself consciously avoided. . . . Grant did not attempt to invade another country without a declaration of war; Bush thinks that his powers in this respect are unlimited.”

ANDREW JOHNSON: “I consider his presidency so far to have been the most disastrous since that of Andrew Johnson. It has been a sellout of fundamental democratic (and Republican) principles. There are many examples, but the most recent would be his successful efforts to insert provisions in spending bills which directly controvert measures voted down by both houses of Congress.”

BUCHANAN: “Buchanan can be said to have made the Civil War inevitable or to have made the war last longer by his pusillanimity or, possibly, treason.” “Buchanan allowed a war to evolve, but that war addressed a real set of national issues. Mr. Bush started a war . . . for what reason?”

Please consider the following when you are casting your vote!

Who has been the biggest beneficiary of the horrible terrorism that struck our nation in September of 2001?

Who has wrap himself in the flag, takeing advantage of the American people’s patriotism, and make himself synonymous with “the United States of America”
That abuse of the patriotism and trust of the American people is even worse than everything else this president has done

Who managed to turn America into an unprovoked aggressor. No predecessor so thoroughly managed to confirm the impressions of those who already hated America. No predecessor so effectively convinced such a wide range of world opinion that America is an imperialist threat to world peace

“Bush is horrendous; there is no comparison with previous presidents, some of whom have been very bad.”

“He is blatantly a puppet for corporate interests. He lies, constantly and often. He is a "dry drunk” who does not think, process, or speak well, and is emotionally immature
He is an abject embarrassment/pariah overseas; the rest of the world hates him . . . . . He is, by far, the most irresponsible, unethical, inexcusable occupant of the highest office in the land that there has ever been.”
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New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Come one come all. You can only bash?



Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Cyrus, cyrus cyrus

You really are a twit aren't you.

Do you actually have a life or just collect poogie and spend all day posting this crap about your betters. Sad really but at least you qualify as the leading poster boy in promoting euthanasia.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
I just voted he is clueless. Completely clueless. And because of that, I think he gets a bit of a pass on the other categories (if you are clueless, you don't know anything to be guilty of the others)


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place

Don said:
I just voted he is clueless. Completely clueless. And because of that, I think he gets a bit of a pass on the other categories (if you are clueless, you don't know anything to be guilty of the others)

Stupid movie but Alicia Silverstone was cute. Seems she has really let herself go of late.

Now Staci Dash is another story entirely, she was and is hot.

Sly attempt at hijacking this thread. Hope it works. :cool:


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
What? No choice stating "worse than his Father" and the Father before H.W.? You know, the scale of intellegence represented by the negative symatry in Parrondo's Paradox?

Huh, what did Gyaos just write? :rolleyes:


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Personally I would rather a pocket full of franklins then a pocket full of Washingtons


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
DonQuixote said:
Of course. Ben was the best. He's personally responsible
for the formation of this country. You are aware he wasn't
a president, I hope.
Of course I am

I read Ben and Me


Active member
Oct 12, 2005

DonQuixote said:
You forgot LBJ. Both of those Texas yahoos are a trip.
Those two big, bad Texas boys are the epitomy of
arrogance. And, as with LBJ, America will pay dearly
for GWB's shoot from the hip mentality.

You've got to put LBJ up there as well. That would be
a tie. :mad:
I respectfully dissent. The Viet Nam war was America's greatest pre-Reagan catastrophe, and a moral lowpoint from which we have never quite recovered. LBJ was one of the major culprits, no question. Nor is there any doubt that he was an old-style patronage crook. All that said, and freely admitted, he was a great President. He was the last to try to bring the New Deal to fruition. He was, arguably, the greatest White House champion of civil rights after the Roosevelts. The modern conservation movement was effectively born with Lady Bird's beautify America campaign. His war on poverty, though an ultimate failure, was the most concerted effort to address the inequities of the American class structure.

I understand, Viet Nam was no minor mistake, nor can it be somehow balanced out by LBJ's other accomplishments. But I see his presidency as a tragedy, and the man himself as a tragic figure. He was a man raised in the most brutal racism and corruption, who went farther beyond these terrible legacies than anyone could ever have expected. He was the American Khrushchev but, unlike his USSR counterpart, a tremendously effective leader. A great man, gone appallingly wrong; a tragedy.



New member
Jun 29, 2003
comon . . where are the Neo-con, Bush lovers! Truc, Lang, Papa . . .


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
cyrus said:
comon . . where are the Neo-con, Bush lovers! Truc, Lang, Papa . . .
They are waiting for direction from Rove & Rush on how to respond.....:p

Dam, don't forget
Dead-Eye DICK !!!


New member
Jun 29, 2003
Cinema Face said:
Andrew Johnson


Carter was not a bad president;
He was & still is a smart, honest, & hard working president.
Unfortunately he became the victim of his time!


New member
Jun 29, 2003
So what is the verdict here?
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