In the world of civilian sex, the act is often unplanned and pussy will often be "aged" with respect the last the elapsed time from the last hygiene session. I have found that after some good foreplay and arousal often the smell may be greatly reduced or even disappear entirely or become arousing if the phemorones are compatible. Only if the offending odour is from a vaginal infection or feces do I find that is tough to continue copulation. Iranian women have a much higher concentration of apocrine glands in their axilla and genitals than due Asians women, so musky smells are much greater in Persian pussy. To experience odourless Persian pussy showering immediately before sex would be necessary. Actually I have experienced musky but Persian pussy which was extremely arousing. Some Japanese women have zero apocrine glands in their genitals resulting in no musky odour, but.this doesn't translate to STDS free as viruses are more or less odourless. Many Asians do not even have to use deodorant and can wear the same uniform or shirt for days wear as Iranian, Indians, Italian etc. Would require daily showering, deodorant and a daily change of clothes to satisfy the requirements of our odourless society. Diet can be a slight factor in body odour as well, slight because Koreans eat daily heavy doses of garlic laced kimchi, have garlic breath, but Korean pussy is odourless and tasteless because of the lack of apocrine glands.