Why do you hate Jews so much? Haven't you done enough to them, over the centuries?
Big Sleazy must be an old man.Haven't you done enough to them, over the centuries?
Zionists are hated by Non-Zionist Jews as well. It's disrespectful to those Jews who are not Zionists, who disagree with current foreign policy issues to label this opposition as Anti-Semitic.Why do you hate Jews so much? Haven't you done enough to them, over the centuries?
Do you even know what the term "Zionist" mean?Zionists are hated by Non-Zionist Jews as well. It's disrespectful to those Jews who are not Zionists, who disagree with current foreign policy issues to label this opposition as Anti-Semitic.
With that being said,
I don't subscribe to the banking theory because it focuses on identuty politucs rather than a systemic issue. All Jews are obviously not banking cartels.
Given the acumen the poster demonstrated in his post I suspect he has a far more accurate understanding of the reality of Zionism than some saccharine fantasy you intend to flog.Do you even know what the term "Zionist" mean?
Indeed this is a pre-DNA Testing rather anti-Semitic hypothesis which has post DNA testing been shown to be utter nonsense!genentic and dna testing debunkes the khazarian hypothesis. Jews were in Europe since Roman Empire times
It's disrespectful to claim that BS's idiotic racist conspiracy theories have anything to do with "current foreign policy issues"....It's disrespectful to those Jews who are not Zionists, ....